ACCEPT NO EXCUSES: Combat Fat and Flab Today Using the Secrets of the U.S. Military Are you missing out on the fitness phenomenon that’s helping thousands and thousands of people permanently lose weight while becoming stronger and healthier? Fast. Effective. Efficient. That’s what the military is about—especially when it comes to getting new recruits quickly into combat-ready condition. There’s no doubt about it: America’s fighting forces are strong, lean and ready for action. But soldiers aren’t the only ones who need to be combat ready. You know that the fast-paced, high-intensity lifestyle led by most Americans takes a heavy toll on the body—often leading to excessive weight and high health risks. That’s why hundreds of thousands of people—civilians—are turning to the military to get whipped into shape. Of course, these people aren’t flocking to military recruiting offices just to lose weight and get in shape. And they aren’t trading in their brief cases and designer shoes for duffle bags and combat boots either. Instead, people are turning to fitness boot camps to strip off excess fat and pack on dense, ready-for-action muscle. The Wall Street Journal reported that more than half of gyms in the U.S. now offer a boot camp-style fitness program to meet the demand. Fitness boot camps use the same strategies as America’s fighting forces to quickly get people into the best shape of their lives. You’ll notice that the U.S. Army doesn’t buy club memberships for new recruits. Nor do the Marines don’t hire personal trainers. And Navy Seals don’t hold aerobic dance classes. They don’t have time for long-winded take-it-slow-and-easy approaches to losing fat and getting into shape. Instead, the military uses a core group of exercises that can be done anywhere, anytime combined high motivation and group dynamics. Now, the founders of NutriFitness are making those strategies available to you through a new e-book: Sure Victory: How to Design Boot Camp Workouts that Blast Fat and Build Power.  This e-book reveals how to take advantage of military fitness strategies and arms you with the knowledge of how to design, plan and operate a fitness boot camp. Sure Victory: How to Design Boot Camp Workouts that Blast Fat and Build Power combines more than 30 years of fitness experience at NutriFitness with in-depth research into conditioning strategies of the U.S. military and the secrets of successful boot camps fitness programs around the country. Whether you’re an “average Joe” looking to get whipped into shape, or a fitness professional wanting to bring this highly-effective fitness approach to your clients, Sure Victory: How to Design Boot Camp Workouts that Blast Fat and Build Power gives you everything you need to know about effective boot camp fitness programs under one cover: Chapter One: BASIC TRAINING—What’s a Boot Camp Workout and Why do They Work Discover what differentiates a boot camp workout from other fitness programs and why they are so effective. Learn the role of a drill instructor and why working out in groups is important to the strategy. Chapter Two: RECONAISSANCE MISSON—Enemy Surveillance and Battlefield Assessment Find out what the PFT is and why it is so important for building an effective program. Discover how to assess yourself or your recruits to determine your true fitness levels and how to set goals based on that information. Learn how to select equipment to maximize training even further. Chapter Three: BATTLE PLAN—Planning Your Boot Camp Fitness Program This chapter reveals what kind of exercises to include in a boot camp workout and how to select them for the best results. Learn what kinds of exercise attack fat the best—hint: it isn’t what you’ve been told for the last 30 years. Discover three powerful training strategies to make your recruits stronger and more powerful and learn how to get more out of your recruits. Chapter Four: DRILL INSTRUCTIONS—Exercise Descriptions and Training Expectations Learn about the Power Warm-up—a strategy designed specifically for the Sure Victory boot camp programs that quickly prepares the entire body for intense exercise. Plus, you get detailed descriptions and photos for the 39 most effective boot camp exercises. Plus, many exercise descriptions include several variations so you can get the most out of them. Chapter Five: FROM FRONT LINE TO CHOW LINE—Nutrition Strategies for a Sensible Victory Get up to date on the latest strategies for good nutrition so you and your recruits can successfully battle the bulge without resorting to desperate tactics like fad diets and highly-processed diet food. Learn how to calculate how many calories you need each day to achieve your fat loss goals without yo-yo dieting. Learn what a calorie deficit is, why it’s important to your fitness strategy and how to calculate what your calorie deficit should be. Also get armed with 10 powerful strategies for dealing with fast food and eating away from home. Chapter Six: SCOUTING MISSION: Finding a Fitness Boot Camp Near You Learn how to scout out boot camp programs near you and how to screen out programs that are ineffective or unsafe. For people who want a no-nonsense approach to successful fitness, Sure Victory: How to Design Boot Camp Workouts that Blast Fat and Build Power reveals how design a program for yourself to achieve the results you are looking for. The boot camp strategy makes real fitness affordable because there’s no expensive equipment to buy and you share the cost of a fitness professional with other “recruits”. For fitness professionals, Sure Victory: How to Design Boot Camp Workouts that Blast Fat and Build Power uncovers how to build a cost-effective boot camp program that is lucrative yet affordable even for customers that can’t afford typical fees for a personal trainer. A San Francisco-based boot camp charges clients just over $6 per session, but has around 70 clients in every class—that’s more than $420 for each hour-long session! That same boot camp was last reported to have three classes every day that size. When you do the math, that’s more than $6,300 per week! And remember, with no expensive equipment and very little overhead costs, that’s nearly 100% profit. The information we’ve packed into this e-book could easily sell for twice what we’re asking for, but to make deal even better and give you maximum value for your money we’ve added 5 powerful weapons to help you win the battle for lean strength & stamina: - Easy-to-use Boot Camp Planning Form—to help you plan your workout program step by step, including planning for progressive overload and other essential program elements.
- The Sure Victory Workout Scheduling Form—to assist you in planning the order of exercises, rest periods and more.
- Two sample Boot Camp Workouts—all ready for you to use as a model for your own boot camp program or to use as your own. Both the 3-day/week program and 5-day/week program are complete with exercise order, exercise selection, sets, reps, distances and all the information you need to apply them immediately.
- Easy-to-use Calorie Calculation Worksheet—so you can easily calculate how many calories you or your recruits need to achieve their fat loss and fitness goals.
- Three Sample Meal Plans—A full week of meal plans for diets of three different calorie levels. Take the guesswork out of sticking to your calorie needs.
Sure Victory: How to Design Boot Camp Workouts that Blast Fat and Build Power equips you with the knowledge to change your fitness level or add a program to your fitness business immediately. If you purchase this e-book today you can download it immediately and begin getting results right away. Use your Visa or Master Card to buy it now for only $29.95.This is the subscriber only Pre-Launch Sale price! So Hurry! Click below to go immediately to our secure purchase server. “Grab Your Copy of Sure Victory At the Special Low Price Now!” Go here now Georgette Pann Co-Author |