Hi Everyone!
Welcome to all new subscribers! Please check the Archives often if you are new or just looking for some erxtra goodies. Go here: Archives There is a lot of valuable information in the archived newsletters from marketing and equipment to freee.e resources and workouts.
Our private Google Group for BootCamp Trainers
You must request an invitation to get get in. This is the link:
Keep this group active as it is a very good resource for us all. If you haven't joined do so now...
you are missing a lot!!
I do have our own private member community in the works that will really help you as
bootcamp trainers and fitness professionals. This community atmosphere will be
more condusive to helping each other out ..easier as well.
This is also a way that I can help you bring traffic to your site or recognition to your products and
services..So In the meantime please send me any and all requests to:fitnessbootcamp1@aol.com
What would really help your fitness business? What would you like to see included in this comminty? Would you be willing to be a contributor?
Those of you who did express interest in contributing please submit your contributions asap..preferably by next weekend the latest..any questions just email.
In this newsletter :
Fitness Marketing and Resources
Bootcamp Workout and Exercises-Total Body Circuit Training Exercises
Bootcamp Equipment
Fitness Marketing and Resources
1.Three No-Cost Publicity Tactics to Help You To Be Three No-Cost Publicity Tactics to Help You To Be Heard.http://www.cherrycommunications.com/bigfish.pdf
2..Get Media Savvy ebook http://www.cherrycomcast.com/beheardfirst/getmediasavvyeguide.pdf
3. Bootcamp Websites: my interview with Allen Hill
4.Nutrition Software Article: Meal Plan 101
5. Free Business Downloads and Tools: http://smallbusiness.logoworks.com/business_downloads/
Get OutDoor Fitness Games -over 25 games for you to use in this
new Fitness Games manual.
Get it here: Fitness Games
Boot Camp BW Circiut

Total Body Circuit Training Exercises
Squat Jumps
1. Stand with feet shoulder-width apart, trunk flexed forward slightly with back straight in a neutral position.
2. Arms should be in the “ready” position with elbows flexed at approximately 90°.
3. Lower body where thighs are parallel to ground. Explode vertically and drive arms up.
5. Land on both feet and repeat.
6. Prior to takeoff extend the ankles to their maximum range (full plantar flexion) to ensure proper mechanics.
1. Start in a standing position and bend your knees and place your hands on the ground.
2. Extend your legs back into a push up position. Bring your knees back in towards chest and stand back up.
3. This should be a continuous motion and be fluid.
There are various types of skipping and they make excellent circuit training exercises - two feet off the ground, alternate feet, hop on one leg for 5 then swap and so on.
Dumbbell Squat and Swings
1. Start position: Holding a dumbbell in each hand start in squatted position with dumbbells between legs.
2. Start movement by standing up and keeping arms straight rotate shoulders and trunk towards the left.
3. Return to the starting position and repeat to the other side.
4. Repeat for the prescribed number of repetitions.
Tuck Jumps
Standing on the spot, jump up with both and tuck both knees in towards your chest.
Squat Thrusts
In a push-up position bring both knees in towards your chest and then explode out again so they are fully extended. Repeat in a smooth, rhythmical fashion.
Similar to squat thrusts only alternate your feet. In the push-up position with legs extended bring one knee into your chest, then quickly switch to bring the other knee into your chest. The action should be a smooth running motion as your arms stay fixed.
High Knees
Running on the spot pick your knees up to waist height and pump your arms.
Fast Feet on Box
Use a sturdy box or aerobic step. Step on and off quickly making sure both feet come into contact with the box. Every 20 or 30 step-ups change your feet so the opposite leg leads.
Jumping Jacks
Start with your legs side by side and your arms by your side. In one motion jump and spread your legs out to the side while your arms raise out and up over your head. Land in this position and then return to the starting position and repeat.
Alternating Split Squat
1. Stand with feet hip width apart. Take left leg and step back approximately 2 feet standing on the ball of back foot.
2. Feet should be positioned at a staggered stance with head and back erect and straight in a neutral position. Place hands on waist.
3. Lower body by bending at right hip and knee until thigh is parallel to floor then immediately explode vertically.
4. Switch feet in the air so that the back foot lands forward and vice versa.
5. Prior to takeoff extend the ankles to their maximum range (full plantar flexion) ensure proper mechanics.
Squat to Presses
Holding a relatively light dumbbell in each hand by your side, squat down until your knees are bent just above 90 degrees. As you extend your legs push the dumbbells overhead and extend your arms fully. Lower the weights as you squat down again.
Stand with your feet together and arms by your sides. Keeping your feet together jump forward a foot or so. Jump back to the starting position. Jump to your left, back to the start, then the right and then behind you. Repeat this sequence by keeping ground contact time minimal and feet together.
Get more fat loss workouts ==> http://georgettepann.com/bodyweight
If you are thinking of investing in The Sure Victory Bootcamp Kit,,Get it now!
Sure Victory testimonials:
Georgette,Hello! Just an update from me in California to let you know about my very successful 1st Bootcamp which is currently in week 4 and I am starting another camp next week! I love the Sure Victory Boot Camp product I got from you a few months ago. It’s like the ultimate Boot Camp Bible…I’ve got it printed in color and bound, and I whip it out frequently as a resource (I have it printed twice so it’s handy). The audios are great too. I have a huge library of must-have MP3 files like yours that continue to provide insight and inspiration when I’m out and about. I highly recommend the Sure Victory product to anyone brand new or anyone who thinks they have enough know-how already, they surely need Sure Victory!! Thanks for keeping me informed with your monthly Fitness Bootcamp Strategies Newsletter, too.
Beth Middlekauff
Can you buy a booming business opportunity for less than a 100. bucks?
What about commandeering a cash-cow of a career for less than a car payment?
You can if you buy Georgette Pan's Sure Victory like I did! Everything from assessments
to organizing, from exercises to execution it's all you'll need to put together winning and
profitable Bootcamps as soon as you turn the last page. Don't miss out on the easiest
raise you've ever earned, earn it by purchasing Sure Victory before she comes to her senses
and boosts the price. (the bonuses are really sweet too! don't wait!)"
- King Hoover - Host of FIT FOR A KING on SIRIUS Satellite Radio Channel 161
Hi Georgette
"I was more than surprised when I received my copy of Sure Victory. The material was easy to apply
and implement and I was able to begin programming two different 3x weekly Bootcamps right away.
The forms totally rock and make anyone seem like a Major veteran in just a few hours work, I can't thank you
enough for all your help. Thanks for putting together a great product that will help anyone make a lot more
money AND their clients a lot more fit. I was blown away by the bonuses too, I don't remember ever getting
so much for so little." - King Hoover- Host of FIT FOR A KING on SIRIUS Satellite Radio Channel 161
Hi Georgette, Thanks so very much for all the help. I finally started and everyone is thoroughly enjoying it! Thanks to you for giving me all the help!! Was a wee bit apprehensive in getting going but now it's 'A' for AWAY!!
The e books are invaluable! Thanks so much especially the nutrition stuff as it's not my strong point.
Sharon Linde
HI Georgette,
"Wow, great content, 68 action packed pages! Sure-Victory saved me countless hours of research, and gave me dozens of ideas to be able to launch my own Fitness BootCamp with 20 paying recruits within 3 weeks!
If you're planning on starting a fitness camp Sure-Victory is an absolute must."
Thank you ...have a great week!
Georgette Pann BS,CSN,CPT,LPTA
Sure Victory Fitness Bootcamp Kit
Bootcamp Equipment: The TRX Suspension training systems allow users to use body weight to perform literally hundreds of exercise progressions for every body part and plane of motion; these can be used just about anywhere.
The TRX is my favorites check it out: http://bootcampfitnessworkouts.com
The LEBERT EQUALIZER Total Body Strengthener™targets the triceps, lower abs and back muscles like no other. Participants use their own body weight as resistance and decide what level is right for them.
To check out Equalizer click banner or go to http://www.easywebautomation.com/app/?af=575564
For more ideas and help setting up and running fitness camps check out the NEW:Sure Victory Bootcamp Pro Kit
and Total Body Exercises
Georgette Pann BS,LPTA,CPT,CSN http://thefitnessbootcamp.com