“What You Should Know About the Direct Relationship Between Obesity and Chronic Heartburn or Acid Reflux Disease (GERD)”
by The Heartburn Doctor, Shekhar Challa, M.D.
Sixty million Americans have Heartburn at least once a month; that’s approximately twenty percent of the population.
But, if you experience Heartburn more than twice a week, there is a good chance you have Acid Reflux – also known as Gastro Esophageal Reflux disease or GERD for short.
So what does Acid Reflux have to do with your weight, you might ask?
Although, a THIN person can have Acid Reflux, years and years of scientific studies show that being overweight can be a risk factor that leads to Acid Reflux. And here’s why.
First off, GRAVITY and the extra pounds on your body place more stress on your digestive system.
In other words, carrying extra pounds around your middle increases your risk of Heartburn or Acid Reflux because…
* Abdominal fat presses up against your stomach;
* Your stomach presses up against your Lower Esophageal Sphincter; and
* Your Lower Esophageal Sphincter opens, allowing stomach acid contents to flow back up into your Esophagus – the tube that leads from the throat to your stomach.
Now let’s take this a step further…
Heavier people are also more likely to get Hiatal Hernias.
A Hiatal Hernia is a condition in which part of your upper stomach pushes through an opening in the diaphragm, and up into the chest.
As a result, this causes the diaphragm to separate from the lower esophageal sphincter.
So, if you already have Acid Reflux (GERD), a Hiatal Hernia may worsen your symptoms.
Having said that, please understand that you can also have a Hiatal Hernia without getting Acid Reflux. And vice-versa.
Now here’s something else you should know that may surprise you…
Studies have also shown that if you wear clothes that are at least two sizes too small, you are heading for trouble.
So you want my advice?
Don’t wear tight-fitting clothing – especially if you’re overweight!
That’s because overly tight clothes can force the acid to back up from your stomach.
Which is why you should never let fashion cause you to develop Acid Reflux (GERD) or make the Acid Reflux you already have – worse.
Instead, wear clothes that are comfortable and loose-fitting, whether you’re on the chubby side or you’re thin.
The bottom line is this:
Compared to having a normal weight, being overweight increases your odds of getting Acid Reflux (GERD) symptoms by 50 percent, whereas being obese doubles your odds!
With that said, do whatever you can to safely lose the extra pounds.
Besides, you’ll feel a lot better as well as reduce your risk of other medical problems, such as heart disease, high blood pressure, and diabetes.
Dr. Challa is an award-winning Heartburn Doctor who has treated 18,553 patients with Heartburn and Acid Reflux. For a comprehensive overview of Acid reflux and its latest treatment options, click here for details:
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