I just got some great news from Jon Benson, the creator and co-author of Fit Over 40... Jon just told me that his buddy Shawn Phillips recently finished a new ebook on AB training called... *** "8 Secrets To Awesome Abs." *** Jon persuaded Shawn to give it away absolutely F R E E to our newsletter subscribers who purchases a copy of Fit Over 40. However, you need to act quickly. This is strictly a limited time offer. In case you're not familiar with Shawn, he is known by some as brother of Bill Phillips (of Body For Life Fame), but Shawn is a world renowned fitness expert in his own right and a top authority on abdominal training. What really impresses me about Shawn is that he walks the walk... one look at his pictures will prove that! (and that's the type of person I would recommend you take advice from!) By the way, Shawn is over 40 years of age, too! This guy is over 40 and F-I-T!) Shawn is the author of "ABSolution: The practical solution for building your best abs", which is available in hard copy in bookstores worldwide. And now, Shawn has written this special e-book exclusively for the WEB, about how to sculpt and rip up your abs. But hold on, there's more! I have also added a new bonus report titled, Bill Pearl's Secrets to Fitness At Any Age! This report is the complete transcript of a very rare interview with Bill Pearl conducted by Rob Cooper (from the "Former Fat Guy" show). Rob Cooper is an amazing guy who lost almost 300 pounds, having tipped the scales at 475 lbs at one point before completely transforming himself. Bill Pearl is a legend in bodybuilding and fitness. Bill won the Mr Universe contest in his 40's in the best condition of his life. Now in his 70's, Bill stays in phenomenal shape and shares his message of health and fitness all across the globe as a speaker, author and publisher. His most famous books include "Keys to The Inner Universe" And "Getting Stronger." This interview is a fascinating look inside the mind of a man who defies age and proves that it's never too late to get fit. Because you are a NutriFitness newsletter subscriber, you are among the first to know about this new bonus and the F R E E Shawn Phillips ABS e- book. To get the F R E E Shawn Phillips ebook and F R E E Bill Pearl Interview, all you have to do is order a copy of Fit Over 40 at http://www.fitover40.com Hurry - the offer ends soon! georgette pann  georgette pann | Better Abs: Believe it or not, the secret is in the mind |  | Better Abs: Believe it or not, the secret is in the mind By: Jon Benson http://www.fitover40.com Probably the most common question I get other than "do you lift weights?" or "how much can you bench" is, "How do you get those abs?" Not many bodybuilders carry 6- packs around the entire year, and I'm no exception. However, during a 'peaking phase', my abs are pretty decent for a guy who was once completely obese! They're shocked at my first response, and you will be, too: "What are you thinking about when you eat? "After a few seconds of blank stares, I usually get the reply, "I don't know... never really thought about it!" "Exactly," I say. "How do you plan on getting any part of your body to respond, including your abs, without concentration on the challenge?" However, it's more than just 'concentration' - I'm literally telling my body what I want it to do with the food I'm eating, with the workout I'm doing, and with the cardio I'm performing. I often touch my mid-section to make a stronger connection. I'm constantly visualizing myself with the abs I want. I never waver from that vision. When I do, that's when the fat loss slows down. Sounds too hocus-pocus? Give it a shot and then talk to me! Let me give you one brief example of the power of thought on the body, (and you can see dozens more in "Fit Over 40" at http://www.fitover40.com). In the book "Blink: The Power of Thinking Without Thinking" by Malcom Gladwell, a fascinating study was noted about the power of mere association with physical performance. A group of individuals were asked to read documents that were riddled with subtle "age" words, like "prune", or "wither". They were then asked to walk to a hallway to take another test. They were not told the reason for the readings, or why the readings changed. The result? Each time the person read more "age" words, they literally ALTERED the way they walked down the hall. Speed slowed down considerably... even posture changes were noted. They literally began to "act old". If you think this does not work in reverse, think again. You can see dozens of ab routines inside the Fit Over 40 e-book. Every ab routine will work optimally once you change how you perceive the power of your words and your thoughts! For more information, go to http://www.fitover40.com  | "Success For Life"...F.R.E.E. |  | A better body at any age and the motivation to get it.F.r.e.e weekly fitness and motivational tips from one of America's top-selling e-book authors! Click here:Suc cess For Life | How to Lose the Most Fat and Build the Most Muscle in 30 Days |  | How to Lose the Most Fat and Build the Most Muscle in 30 Days By Nick Nilsson.
A lot can happen in 30 days
The dream of everyone who trains is to lose maximum fat and build maximum muscle in the shortest period of time possible. While it is definitely possible to both lose fat and gain muscle at the same time, in my experience, the best results come from concentrating on one major goal at a time.
Let me put it this way: to lose fat, you need a caloric deficit. To build muscle, you need a caloric surplus. If you try to do both at the same time, you may just remain exactly where you are!
So the question before us is - how do we maximize both fat loss and muscle gain, two very much opposing goals, in only 30 days?
It's simple - we focus on both goals in the same program but not at the exact same time!
By alternating rapidly back and forth between reduced- calorie fat loss training and higher-calorie mass- oriented training, you can not only accomplish both goals at the same time, you can actually use the two opposing goals to feed on each other and send your results through the roof!
To illustrate my point, remember how quickly you gain weight when coming off a strict diet? Remember how quickly you lose weight when you start to diet and you haven't been careful about what you've been eating? That's your body rapidly adapting to a stress. One of the most powerful features of this switching back and forth is in the change itself - your body changes far quicker when you give it a powerful reason.
What is the result of this switching back and forth? Extremely rapid fat loss and extremely rapid muscle gain.
To maximize the effects of this switching, you must tailor your training, diet and supplementation towards your specific goal during that particular time. Proper manipulation of these factors will greatly enhance the body's hormonal response to this program, which is the real key to maximizing your results.
For five days, we will target everything about your training and nutrition towards fat loss.
You will reduce your caloric intake below maintenance levels to promote fat burning.
You will reduce the rest periods between sets in your weight training to increase the intensity of the workload and boost the metabolism.
You will increase your training volume, performing more sets for each bodypart.
You will not push your body to muscular failure - pushing to failure can be too stressful to the muscles when on a reduced-calorie diet. Stop one rep short of this point.
You will include cardio training, preferably High Intensity Interval Training for best results, to burn calories and further boost your metabolism.
You will NOT take creatine during this time (I'll explain why below).
It is best to follow a low-carb diet during this time for maximum effectiveness. Eating this way will be especially powerful when you switch to the next phase of the program.
After five days, your metabolism will be just starting to get used to the training and nutritional program you're following. Now we'll throw it a curveball and change everything!
For the next five days, you will be focusing your training, nutrition and supplementation completely on muscle building.
You will increase your caloric and protein intake to promote gains in muscle mass.
You will increase your rest periods in between sets to allow for more recovery and increased strength in your sets.
You will decrease your training volume, doing fewer sets but with greater intensity. This is the time to really push your muscles to the edge! You're feeding them now, so don't be shy about training them hard.
You will eliminate all cardio training in order to maximize muscle gain. Cardio training can burn calories that should be used for the muscle building process.
You will load creatine for the first three days of the muscle-gain phase. This will take advantage of and greatly enhance the flood of water and nutrients into the muscles.
You will NOT follow a low-carb diet during this time. We want lots of carbs to provide energy and promote insulin release (the body's primary storage hormone). This insulin release will help shuttle protein and other nutrients into the muscles to help with building.
The body's hormonal response to this huge change in training, nutrition and supplementation is tremendous. Sensing a feast after a famine, it will greedily take in all the nutrients it can and store them in the form of glycogen (for carbs), muscle mass (for protein) and fat (to some extent). Since you will only be doing this phase for 5 days, however, fat gains will be minimal so don't be shy to eat!
It is important to note that you should eat a lot but you should eat clean - loading up on junk food will not give you the best results. You've got to provide your body with quality materials to rebuild with or you may not gain as much muscle and you may add too much fat.
After five days of this training, your metabolism will be cranking along, happily building muscle. Now we'll pull the rug out and go right back into fat-loss training for five days. Since your body is used to getting more food and your metabolism is still moving fast, switching to fat- loss training at this time will immediately result in your body burning far more fat than if you were using a conventional fat loss program.
In 30 days, you will complete three rounds of this rapid- adaptation training. As you will soon experience, this switching back and forth between a short, targeted fat loss program and a short, targeted muscle- building program can have a tremendous and rapid impact on bodyfat and muscle mass levels.
What does this mean for you? It means you can lose fat faster and gain muscle faster, taking FULL advantage of your body's natural reaction and rapid adaptation to massive change.
Think this program sounds good? You ain't seen nothing yet...
This particular program is just a taste of what you'll find in the full All-Star Trainers eBook from AtoZFitness. In addition to a detailed explanation of how to perform my program, including a day-by-day guide and set-by- set workouts to follow, you'll also get the rapid fat- loss and muscle-building secrets of 11 of the most knowledgeable and respected trainers in the world, including Tom Venuto, Pete Sisco, David Grisaffi, Jeremy Markum, Phil Campbell, Christopher V. Guerriero and many others!
The next 30 days are going to pass by whether you get this information or not. You could stick to your conventional programs and get slow (if any) results. How would you like to make these next 30 days the most productive of your entire training career?!
Click here to learn more about what the All- Star Trainers eBook can do for you!  Quick Links... |  | |
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