3/15/2007 Get Fit Newsletter
HI There!
In this Newsletter:
- local news briefs
- FeatureArticle
- Feature Recipe
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NutriFitness News: Spring Bootcamps starting April! New bootcamp workouts = faster results! Call 288-2409
Healthy Meal Delivery Program through PureFoods Fitness. Click here to learn more about the PurFoods Fitness Healthy Meal Delivery service!
Coming Soon to NutriFitness Studio:Fat Loss Seminar Series
Class size limited to 10 members. Seminar will run every Thurs night 630-730pm at NutriFitness Studio for 10 weeks.admission $10/class. Call 288-2409 for more information and to get on this list asap.
For NutriFitness Newsletter subscribers Only:
1. My colleague Dr. John Berardi has given some of us elite trainers and strength coaches' permission to share two of his best works with our loyal clients and newsletter readers.
One is a fantastically delicious desert eBook that will still help you achieve your loftiest of physique goals while enjoying some great treats, Gourmet Nutrition, the other the most result-driven and super-packed eating and nutritional guide you'll ever read, Precision Nutrition Strategies!
John's nutrition and meal planning information is no joke and I know from personal experience, as well do a majority of my clientele, friends and family.
So with out any further ado, here are the links for two amazing FR.EE eBook that are definitely going to blow you away!
Gourmet Nutrition
http://www.precisionnutrition.co m/cmd.php?pageid=514027&u=d
Precision Nutrition Strategies
http://www.precisionnutrition.co m/cmd.php?pageid=514027&u=s
2. Teleseminar series: have gathered the top fat loss experts in the world and we are bringing them together to share their expertise with whoever wants to listen.
It is called the Busy Women's Fat Loss Tele-seminar series and it features experts that are published in Shape, Women's Health, Oxygen and even a trainer to A-list Hollywood stars.
Each expert will be interviewed over the phone while you have the ability to listen in. This lineup is truly "star studded" and will certainly sell out
in a very short time.Go here
I have also been told that the speakers were able to notify their readers a whole week before you get this email. That means you better hurry to
Teleseminar and sign up for registration notification before it is too late. They are limiting the listeners to the first 500 people to sign up.
Don't miss this opportunity to listen in on the secrets of the most successful trainers in the entire world.
Here is the link again. Go sign up now.http://www.1shoppingcart.com/app/?af=569474
Fitness Professionals: Bootcamp and workout Strategy Newsletter Go here: http://thefitnessbootcamp.com
I Highly Recommend WorkoutPass
The Workout Pass has Launched!I am happy to say that NutriFitness will be a part of the Top Fitness Professionals in the world! Please check it out if you haven't already: Click Here WorkoutPass
Stay Fit!Georgette Pann
NutriFitness http://thenutrifitness.com Blog: http://thenutrifitness.blogspot.com
Can you get thin by eating Thin Mints?You may have heard the buzz lately about Girl Scout cookies. It is that time of year again - when millions of Girl Scout cookies infiltrate homes all around the globe - but this year there has been a widely publicized change in the beloved cookies.
The trans fats have been removed.
That's right, each shiny box of Thin Mints, Carmel deLites and Peanut Butter Patties will be stamped with a "Zero Trans" label. And just like that, the Girl Scouts get major press on how "health conscious" they are...just like the pastries at a certain coffee chain and even a major US city (New York).
So let's address the real issue at hand: Does the removal of trans fats make food healthy?
Here's the short answer: No
Sorry to burst your bubble there, but you deserve to know the truth. Yes, trans fats are unhealthy. Yes, trans fats have been proven to be of no use or benefit to your body. Yes, trans fats have been linked to an increase in heart disease.
Bottom line: trans fats are bad.
But simply removing trans fats from an unhealthy food item doesn't magically make that item healthy. A cookie is a cookie is a cookie. It is still loaded with sugar and saturated fat with the main ingredient being empty calories.
I'm not telling you this to discourage you from supporting the Girl Scouts. I'm telling you this to keep you from the disillusion that the media tries so hard to harness you with.
Eating Thin Mints won't make you thin - not even "Zero-Trans" Thin Mints.
So where does this leave you? My desire is that you will approach the "news" about trans fats and other "health" developments with a discerning eye. Yes, it would be great if scientists created a junk food that really was good for our health and made us thin - but we would be foolish to believe it.
There is only one way to a healthy and fit body, and that is through proper eating and regular exercise. It isn't a trendy solution or a 'news worthy' discovery, but the fact is that it works every time.
Wouldn't you like to take control of your body once and for all? I have a secret for you...it isn't going to be as hard as you think. Good habits are just as addictive as bad ones. Once you begin your journey towards a fitter, healthier, sexier you, nothing will stop you from achieving your goal.
Contact me today to schedule your fitness consultation. It's the fastest way to getting the results you want.Take Baby Steps!
When it comes to weight loss, baby steps are better than quantum leaps! Don't force yourself to give up all fats or all carbs, and don't chain yourself to a treadmill for hours on end. Take care to move towards your fitness and weight loss goals with moderation and you will arrive safer and healthier for it!
Great Grain Burger
If you have gone out for a burger lately then you may have noticed a healthy new trend that's not just for vegetarians anymore. It's the meatless burger. These days you can order a meatless burger almost anywhere, but beware that not all healthy patties are created equal. The best ones are made from scratch from fresh ingredients, like the recipe below.
Yield: 12 servings
- 1/2 cup uncooked brown rice
- 1/2 cup uncooked bulgur (Look for bulgur in the cereal, rice or organic food aisle of your grocery store)
- 1 tablespoon salt-free seasoning blend
- 1/4 teaspoon poultry seasoning
- 2 cups water
- 2 cups finely chopped mushrooms
- 3/4 cup old-fashioned oats
- 1 cup (4 ounces) shredded part-skim mozzarella
- 1/4 cup shredded reduced-fat cheddar cheese
- 1/3 cup finely chopped onion
- 1/2 cup fat-free cottage cheese
- 1/4 cup egg substitute
- 2 tablespoons minced fresh parsley
- 1 teaspoon salt
- 1/2 teaspoon dried basil
- 1/8 teaspoon celery seed
- 3 teaspoons canola oil, divided
- 12 sandwich rolls
- Lettuce leaves and tomato
- In a sauce pan, combine the first five ingredients; bring to a boil. Reduce heat; cover and simmer for 30 minutes or until rice is tender. Remove from heat; cool completely. Refrigerate.
- In a large bowl, combine the mushrooms, oats, mozzarella cheese and onion. In a blender or food processor, process cottage cheese and egg substitute until smooth. Add mushroom mixture. Stir in the parsley, salt, basil, celery seed and chilled rice mixture.
- Shape 1/2 cupfuls into patties. In a nonstick skillet, cook four patties in 1 teaspoon of oil for 5 minutes on each side or until lightly browned and crisp. Repeat with remaining patties and oil. Serve on rolls with lettuce and tomato if desired.
Nutritional Analysis: One cooked patty equals 126 calories, 4g fat, 15g carbohydrate, 7g protein.
Help me help more people! If you know any friends, family or co-workers who would enjoy my newsletter give them a subscription by using the 'Refer a Friend' link below!![]()
georgette pann
(570) 288-2409
Subscibers Only:NutriFitness' Book "Sure Victory"-Now on Amazon!
Amazon: Get Sure Victory Book
Check This Out
Real Results - Real Fast Right at Home!
Total Body Workout Dvd's
The release of "Mind Over Matter"
A personal trainer's secrets to developing the
mindset to achieve any fitness goals.
fitness-successNutriFitness Sites Email: unitasj@aol.com
Phone: (570) 288-2409
Web: http://thenutrifitness.com
This email was sent by unitasj@aol.com
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georgette pann 311 market st kingston Pennsylvania 18704
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