Hi Everyone!
Welcome new subscribers! Please check the Archives where I have the lastest Newsletters listed for you http://www.ymlpr.com/pubarchive.php?NutriFitness
There is a lot of valuable information in the archived newsletters from marketing and equipment to freee.e resources and workouts. New Subscribers...Please check it out and help your business grow.
Now is a great time to implement Fitness Bootcamps.Summertime can sometimes be challenging for trainers but it doesn't have to be a slow time. Just think outside the box ...a great time to start outdoor camps, run grocery tours or nutrition classes...a few ways to funnel in some new clients.
Since it is a Holiday in the US today I will keep this newsletter short and to the point:) I also decided to run a 1 day sale on the Sure Victory Bootcamp Pro version...besides there is no reason to have to spend 100.00,200.00 or more on a product to help you run bootcamps this summer:).
I also will continue to give you as many resources as I can to help you out and make this newsletter worth the read.
So check out below.......
In this newsletter :
- More Fitness Resources
- 10 minute Bodyweight Workouts-Turbulance Training
- 1 day Sale Sure Victory -Extra Bonus Sure Victory Fitness Bootcamp Kit
Fitness Resources to help your Business
1.Start a meet-up group in your area for fitness or bootcamp members....check out my example at http://fitness.meetup.com/365/?gj=sj8
2.Great for clients to view correct exercise form
3.Free HTML Form Builder - Create Forms, Surveys and Invitations
4. A fully functional Workout Routine Wizard available at http://www.eFitnessTracker.com/resources/Workout-Routine-Wizard.asp?af=NutriFitnesscheck newsletter archives (above)for more
10 minute TT Workout
This workout comes from Craig Ballantyne of Ballantyne Workouts.com. It's a complete full body workout that takes just 10 minutes!
Do each exercise back to back with no rest. At the end of the circuit, rest for 30 seconds before repeating. You can do up to 3 rounds in 10 minutes. You can also use this circuit to replace traditional intervals at the end of other bootcamp workouts.
Exercise | |||||||||||||||||||||
1. Start by placing feet shoulder width apart and holding your arms out in front of you. 2. Proceed to squat down like you are going to sit in a chair. Your upper body will lean forward slightly and your hips will shift backwards while going down. 3. Remember to keep your knees from going out in front of your toes while squatting. 4. Repeat according to your required repetitions. If you want to make the exercise more challenging hold your arms at your sides or behind your head. Trainer's comments: Move immediately to the next exercise. |
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1. Start by completing a normal pushup and then at the top of the second pushup pick your hand up off the ground and rotate your upper body so that your hand is above your head. 2. Proceed to complete this same movement with the other arm. Then return to a normal pushup. 3. Complete this movement for the desired number of repetitions. 4. To make this more challenging hold a dumbell in each hand while completing this movement. Trainer's comments: Move immediately to the next exercise. |
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1) Position hands wider than shoulder width apart with overhand grip (palms facing forward). 2) Start position: Hang with arms fully extended and elbows facing away from body. Feet may be crossed with knees bent. 3) Pull body up until bar is below chin level. 4) Return to start position. 5) Remember to keep the movement controlled with the body stable to minimize momentum and body sway. If the bar is too high, it is advisable to use a step to ensure proper hand placement as well as safety. Trainer's comments: Move immediately to the next exercise. |
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1. Start by standing with your feet shoulder width apart. 2. Step foward with one foot and bend your knees into a lunged position. Your back knee should come close to touching the ground and your front leg should be bent to about 90 degrees at the knee. 3. Maintain your upright posture throughout the movement. 4. Return to the starting position and repeat. Once repetitions are completed then repeat with the other leg. Trainer's comments: Move immediately to the next exercise. |
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1) Lie face down with chest on flexaball. 2) Take your hands and walk forward allowing the flexaball to roll under your body until the top of your feet are supported by the flexaball. 3) Start position: Place your hands slightly wider than shoulder width, fingers pointing straight ahead, and aligned at the nipple line. Remove one foot and suspend it 4-6 inches above the flexaball. 4) Lower your body (legs, hips, trunk, and head) 4-8 inches from the floor. 5) Return to the start position by extending at the elbows and pushing the body up. 6) Remember to keep the head and trunk stabilized in a neutral position by isometrically contracting the abdominal and back muscles. Never fully lock out the elbows at the start position and avoid hyperextension of the low back. Trainer's comments: Move immediately to the next exercise. |
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Start with your legs side by side and your arms by your side. In one motion jump and spread your legs out to the side while your arms raise out and up over your head. Land in this position and then return to the starting position and repeat. Trainer's comments: Rest 30 seconds after completion before you repeat the circuit. |
Don't forget, this is just one workout out of tens of thousands. If you enjoyed this workout, I guarantee there are many more you will also benefit from at workoutpass.
And when you signup for anysite, you automatically have access to EVERY site in the workoutpass network, including all of Craig Ballantyne's workouts. And TT workouts are part of Sure Victory Bonus Kit!
1 Day Memorial Day Sale...Ends midnight May 28!
Sure Victory Bootcamp Pro Version Only
Here are just a few of the new Sure Victory testimonials:
Hi Georgette,
If you're planning on starting a fitness camp Sure-Victory is an absolute must."
Just fyi,if you are thinking of investing in The Sure Victory Bootcamp Kit,,Get it now! The 1 Day Sale at http://thefitnessbootcamp.com Sale price will be seen at checkout. this is for subscribers only!
Sure Victory Pro Bootcamp Kit includes the Sure Victory Bootcamp book, 2 DVD's and print manual,Plus 7 Bonuses.Check it out. http://thefitnessbootcamp.com Email me at nutrifit@georgettepann.com for surprise bonus after purchase.
(Not only will you get all the bonuses ++ but I will be adding shipping charges in the near future for the DVD's and Print manual...right now shipping is on me:)Thank you ...have a safe week
Georgette Pann BS,CSN,CPT,LPTA
Sure Victory Fitness Bootcamp Kit
Bootcamp Equipment: The TRX Suspension training systems allow users to use body weight to perform literally hundreds of exercise progressions for every body part and plane of motion; these can be used just about anywhere.
The TRX is one of my favorites check it out: http://bootcampfitnessworkouts.com
The LEBERT EQUALIZER Total Body Strengthener™targets the triceps, lower abs and back muscles like no other. Participants use their own body weight as resistance and decide what level is right for them.
To check out Equalizer click banner or go to http://www.easywebautomation.com/app/?af=575564
For more ideas and help setting up and running fitness camps check out the NEW:Sure Victory Bootcamp Pro Kit
Affordable Promotional Items For Bootcamp Members
Here Is one very popular and affordable item I have used for camp members.
I had the bands imprinted with my bootcamp name and phone number, camofluage colored.
I have used Reminderbrand company since they are the most affordable.Reminderband is offering a really great deal right now on custom silicone wristbands. Get 10% off of your order by using the promo code AAA8e39c29 through June 15th, 2007.
These bands are great for sports teams, fundraising, Bootcamp, clients and friends. You can order as low as 5 bands! Feel free to give this promo code to anyone you know who also might be interested in this deal.
Reminderband makes the best quality wristbands. They have great customer service as well. You can even create your own artwork to be put on the bands. The shipping is very fast and they'll give you a tracking number to track your order too.
Order Now ( http://www.reminderband.com)
Save 10% on custom silicone bracelets with promo code: AAA8e39c29
Order as few as 5 wristbands
Orders must be placed before June 15th 2007 to receive 10% discount
Get your wristbands in less than a week
Georgette Pann BS,CSN,CPT,LPTA
Sure Victory Fitness Bootcamp Kit
Georgette Pann BS,LPTA,CPT,CSN http://thefitnessbootcamp.com
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