Atricles and information on diet, health and fitness, workout programs, bodybuilding, and more! the nutrifitness blog will keep you updated on fitness and nutrition bootcamps, health related e-books,etc. from the nutrifitness personal training web site.
Friday, January 25, 2008
Skinny Jean Strategies: 5 Powerful Moves for Moms to Reshape Problem Areas
You do not have to settle for the out of shape “mommy body”. Getting your body back after birth is not only achievable but comes with benefits no mom should be without – increased self-confidence, loads of energy and a positive outlook on life ~ just to name a few.
Lack of time is consistently the number one reason why many new moms fail to lose the baby weight. However the most damaging reason why moms struggle is because they are falling prey to two of the biggest fat loss myths:
1. cardio as the end all be all answer to fat loss
2. shaping exercises or “spot reduction”– working a specific body part will burn the fat
Not only are moms wasting their precious time, but these strategies are completely ineffective methods for losing the lingering baby fat.
When it comes to your implementing a fat burning workout, your goal is to work your muscles. The more muscles you work, the higher your metabolism, the more easily you can burn the stubborn fat and a result in a lean, toned body that slips easily into those skinny jeans!
What follows are 5 powerful moves to help you effectively reshape your problem areas so you can reclaim your pre-baby body and look and feel fabulous!
1. Get Into Intervals. Getting back to normal does not mean you have to work longer and harder. When it comes to cardio and fat loss, it’s less about the number of calories you burn while you workout and more about the calories you burn all day long. Traditional cardio does little to nothing to boost your metabolism and in fact the longer your session, scientific studies have shown that your body begins to become more efficient by breaking down muscle for fuel. Intervals are the perfect solution! The shorter, more-intense your session, the more calories you burn and you preserve lean muscle, which will make you look tight and lean as you reach your goals. In addition, the shorter, more intense sessions will have a more profound effect on the calories you continue to burn 24 hours after completing your interval session. Great if you are a busy mom who is short on time! The best “skinny jean” intervals are walking/running on an incline, using a Stairmaster or my favorite – Sprints!
2. The Squat: The single most effective lower body exercise for it is a compound movement –works more than one muscle group at a time. The squat targets every major muscle in your upper leg – the front and backs of your things – your glutes – the muscles in your bottom- PLUS the muscles in your back and your core! Movements that work many muscles at once will burn more calories, increase your metabolism, tone and strengthen your lower body so you see and feel results faster. If you are just starting out, body weight squats are just as effective as squats with weights.
3. Lunges: Next to squats, lunges are the next best thing for strengthening and toning your glutes and thighs. This is also a compound movement so you will experience similar benefits. There are many ways to do lunges. You can begin with static lunges and progress to more dynamic versions such as the forward and reverse lunge.
4. Strengthen Your Core: I Want to Get Rid of My Mommy Belly! Yes, the lovely bulge that hangs over our jeans. It’s vital to understand that the best Ab exercises in the entire world will only work to strengthen your core muscles. You must use the strategies designed to make your body lose the fat that COVERS your abs in order to get results.
Doing “abs” as part of your routine is beneficial for strength purposes but doing hundreds of crunches a day will do nothing to flatten your tummy. Planks, Push Ups and wood chops for example do so much more to help your fat loss efforts. Remember the key is to recruit as many muscles as possible so use all of the muscles that wrap around your core, and you will burn more calories, boost your metabolism and shrink your mommy belly faster.
5. You are What You Eat: The move you can make that has just as much impact – if not more – than your total body, metabolism boosting workouts is the action that takes place between your hand and your mouth. It is time to stop eating for two and time to trade the junk for more supportive choices – quality proteins, fresh produce and whole grains. And yes, you need to eat. It is impossible to boost your metabolism and impossible for your body to release fat if you only eat once or twice a day. Make sound choices, eat every 3 to 4 hours and you will notice a huge difference in the shape of your belly, thighs and bottom!
Finally, as you begin your pre-baby body transformation, be sure your focus is to lose fat – not pounds. This makes a huge difference in how you measure your results and more importantly – how you look in your skinny jeans!
Holly Rigsby, CPT, MAT America's #1 Fat Loss Expert for Busy Moms and the author of Fit Yummy Mummy
Posted by Georgette Pann
Friday, January 18, 2008
Turbulence Training Review
By Georgette Pann
Turbulence Training promises fast fat loss results for men and women who don't have a lot of time for exercise. This is a bold promise, and the workouts promise maximum results in only three workouts per week.
Let's take a look at this claim, and see if it really measures up!
Before we get to the program, let's take a look at the expert behind the workouts. I've come across Craig Ballantyne's name many times in popular fitness magazines such as Men's Health and Men's Fitness, and even in Oxygen and Shape magazines. So the program is clearly put together by a trusted fitness expert.
I've also talked to Craig about his training and education background, and I'll be honest, it was impressive, unlike the trainers with weekend certifications that pop up at large commercial gyms. Craig's experience goes back to the mid-nineties, in both the gym and in the research lab. He's actually led research trials on sport supplements, strength training, and cardiovascular training.
Plus, Craig has been a strength coach and has worked with hundreds of clients in thousands of training sessions. This is a unique, and thorough background, so its not surprising he's come up with a new training system for fat loss.
In fact, Craig's articles are always pretty hard on traditional aerobic cardio workouts. So if you're looking for new ways to spend 30 or 60-minutes doing cardio, then this program is not for you. But if you only have 45 minutes to workout, a couple of times per week, and you have access to only a bench, dumbells, and an exercise ball, then you'll like what Craig has for you here.
Now one of the biggest questions about the program is simply, "What is Turbulence Training?" Well according to Craig, its the combination of resistance training and interval training used to boost your metabolism so that your body burns calories and fat between workouts. He says, "Cardio doesn't boost your metabolism after exercise. Only strength training and interval training do that - while you work, sleep, and eat - your body will be shedding fat."
Fortunately, Craig's unique system of bodyweight exercises, dumbell exercises, and interval training can all be done at home, with minimal equipment (if you are really strong, it might help to have a chinup bar). So again, if you are one of those people who loves machines, or cardio equipment, or marathon workouts, then this program is not for you.
Frankly, I've used the program myself and recommended to many others. Why? Because no one has time for long workouts! That's why. After an eight or ten hour workday, a round-trip commute of 90 minutes, and spending time with my family, I just don't have time to do another 90 minute workout every day of the week.
In fact, I either get up early and do the workout before work, or I do it just before bed. This workout is perfect for busy men and women. But its not the type of routine that is going to turn anyone into a pro bodybuilder. If you want maximum muscle and want to bulk up, try another one of Craig's programs. But the Turbulence Training system is best for burning fat without sacrificing muscle - so you end up lean, defined, chiseled and toned.
And its fun! So many workouts are boring (i.e. long cardio) or repetitive (i.e. doing the same bodybuilding workout over and over again). But Turbulence Training uses a lot of unique (but not fluffy) exercises, including some cool, killer bodyweight moves that will make you more athletic and increase your functional and core strength - again, all with minimal equipment needs.
But, I am even able to recommend this program to friends who are just starting out, because Craig has put together a 6-week introductory program, and a 4-week intermediate program in addition to the 16-week advanced training phase (PLUS, the Turbulence Training program comes with a massive amount of bonus workouts for muscle building, bodyweight only, advanced fat loss, and even a female specific bonus).
But each workout progresses into the next. He's used all of these workouts with hundreds of clients - so they are safe and effective. Sure, you can get other programs that leave you smashed and puking after the first workout, but Turbulence Training is not like that. Soreness doesn't matter, only results matter! And you are in expert hands with Turbulence Training, and Men's Health expert, Craig Ballantyne.
Craig's Turbulence Training also contains a contract -- basically, your pledge to being committed to the program. It also includes an ebook on Nutrition Guidelines from expert, Dr. Chris Mohr, Ph.D., and an extensive Q&A section, a 21-Healthy Habit Building Plan, plus the complete Turbulence Training workouts for beginner, intermediate and advanced level individuals.
All users will benefit from the Turbulence Training MP3 audio where Craig goes over the program, plus you can find every single exercise explained in detail, complete with photos.
Okay, so bottom line. Turbulence Training is NOT....
Long, slow cardio workouts
A machine-based exercise circuit
A bodybuilding program to gain bulk
A workout with lots of time-wasting isolation exercises
A restrictive eating plan
Turbulence Training provides NONE of the above. On the other hand, Turbulence Training is perfect for busy men and women who want to burn fat in the comfort of their own homes without spending a lot of money on equipment or space on exercise machines. Oh, and you'll actually have fun and you won't "dread" these workouts - heck, they will be over before you know it!
If you're in the slightest bit curious, I recommend you look closely at Craig's program. I was very impressed with all of the Turbulence Training workouts, the bonuses, the guarantee, and Craig's expertise. For the money, it's the best deal in the fitness and fat loss industry - so much better than diet pills! And remember...
Craig Ballantyne's Turbulence Training is backed by a 8-week money back guarantee. And this is a real guarantee... if you are not completely satisfied, you will receive your money back, no "ifs," "ands," or "buts." So you really have nothing to lose.
Friday, January 11, 2008
Fitness Bootcamp Strategies,Resources,Fitness Games
Hi Everyone!
Hi Everyone!
Welcome to all new subscribers! Please check the Archives where I have the lastest Newsletters listed for you
There is a lot of valuable information in the archived newsletters from marketing and equipment to freee.e resources and workouts. New Subscribers...Please check it out!
Our private Google Group for BootCamp Trainers
You must request an invitation to get get in. This is the link:
I am thinking of opening this group up to the public but you will still need to request invitation to get in.
If anyone is opposed to this please let me know.
I also have had some requests about websites,webpages and blogs.
I do have a few things in the works that will really help you as bootcamp trainers and fitness professionals.
I may run a few questions by our google group first then let all newsletter subscribers voice their hold on a little while longer!
Please,if you would like to see anything else just e-mail me and I will do my best to find and
add your you all know I answer all mail personally.(personal email address: -do not abuse it :)
In this newsletter :
Fitness Marketing, Resources-
Fit Games!- Outdoor fitness Games
Workouts -Bodyweight, Circuits
Bootcamp Equipment
Fitness Marketing and Resources
1. The updated version of the chapter on Exercise and Fitness for The Merck Manual Home Edition has been posted on its website at: This chapter was updated recently by Brian D. Johnston
2. Free.e marketing materials and Ads-
OutDoor Fitness Games
One of our Sure Victory Bootcamp Kit owners, Scott York, has come up with an awesome
resource for Fitness Bootcamp trainers. ..Fitness Games.
As you know, it's easy to go stale with the same old push ups, sit ups, deck of cards
and running drills.If the instructor is bored with the same drills, chances are your boot campers are
bored as well.
That means they may go elsewhere when the time comes to sign up for the next session!
That is NOT what we want.
Try these two new games out with your boot camp or fitness class and see what happens!
Always make sure to warm up first!
Two people are "it".
They hold hands and chase the other participants.
The person that they catch then joins the chain by linking hands.
When another person is caught they can stay together or
split 2 and 2 but they must split into even numbers and can link together at will.
This game is played until no one is left.
The last two become "it" for the next game.
There are two equal teams.
Team 1 has one side of the playing field and Team 2 has the other side.
Divide the playing field in half with cones.
Keep the entire playing field to around 200 yards.
Use 4 cones in a rectangle to mark off the boundary lines.
By keeping the playing field to 200 yards or less, this will ensure that people don't wander off too far looking for or hiding the cone.
The teams are given a time period, 1 minute, to hide their cone in their part of the field.
They can hide the cone behind a tree, up on a lower tree limb, behind a bench, or any type of stationary object.
*Optional - During this period 1 or 2 spies from each team can be sent out to see where the cone is hidden as well as 1 or 2 look-outs from the opposing team to catch the spies. If the spies travel out over their side of the field they can be tagged by the look-outs and they must go to "jail" and perform nonstop jumping jacks.
"Jail" is a predetermined area off to the side of the playing field.
When the instructor calls "1 minute" you simply try to get the other team's cone and return it to your side of the field. If you get tagged by the opponent on their territory you have to
go to jail and do jumping jacks nonstop until the game is over.
The first team to capture the cone and bring it back to his or her side wins. In this version you have to capture the cone, and bring it back safely to your side of the field.
This game is a totally different game at night or early morning!
Want more? Scott has over 25 games for you to use in his new Fitness Games manual.
Get it here: Fitness Games
Bodyweight Circuit
Exercise | |||||||
1. Stand at foot of agility ladder or just stand in place. 2. Drive knee up towards chest and place that foot in first square or back on the ground. Drive other knee up and land in next square and so on down the ladder in a moderate to fast jog with minimal ground contact time. Trainer's comments: Each high knee equals one repetition. |
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1. Lie face down on the floor with hands palm down, fingers pointing straight ahead, and aligned at the nipple line. 2. Place hands slightly wider than shoulder width, and feet should be at hip width with toes on floor. 3. Start position: Extend the elbows and raise the body off the floor. 4. Lower your entire body (legs, hips, trunk, and head) 4-8 inches from the floor. 5. Return to the start position by extending at the elbows and pushing the body up. 6. Remember to keep the head and trunk stabilized in a neutral position by isometrically contracting the abdominal and back muscles. Never fully lock out the elbows at the start position and avoid hyperextension of the low back. Trainer's comments: If you cannot complete all 15 reps then drop your knees to the floor and continue to 15 reps. |
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1) Adjust bar at waist height on power rack. Lie on back and position body under bar so that bar is directly over chest region. 2) Start position: Grasp bar with overhand grip (palms facing forward) and shoulder width apart. Elbows should be facing forward with the backside of body off the floor Only the heels are together in contact with ground. 3) Pull body up towards bar until bar touches chest. 4) Return to start position. Trainer's comments: If you cannot complete all 15 reps then bend your knees and continue to 15 reps. |
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1. Start by placing your hands behind your head and your feet placed with a wide stance. 2. Shift your weight and hips to one side and squat down so that your hips drop down behind that foot. 3. Return to the starting position and repeat the same movement to the other side. 4. Alternate this movement back and forth until the desired repetitions are met. Trainer's comments: Each side lunge equals one repetition. |
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1. Start by fitting yourself with the proper sized gloves. 2. Next you want to hit the bag with a variety of movements. For example a left jab with a right cross, body punches, right cross only. 3. Proceed to hit the bag for the required time or however your cardiovascular program is designed. Trainer's comments: Each punch counts as one repetition. Shadow box if no bag used. |
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1. Start by getting on your hands and knees in a push-up position. 2. Keeping your abs tight and your trunk parallel bring one knee in towards your chest. 3. Return the foot back to the starting position and repeat with the other leg. Trainer's comments: Each knee tuck counts as one repetition (e.g. 15 each leg = 30 reps total) |
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1. Lie face down on the floor with hands palm down, fingers pointing straight ahead, and aligned at the nipple line. 2. Place hands in the center of your chest and form a diamond shape with your index fingers and thumbs. Feet should be at hip width with toes on floor. 3. Start position: Extend the elbows and raise the body off the floor. 4. Lower your entire body (legs, hips, trunk, and head) 4-8 inches from the floor. 5. Return to the start position by extending at the elbows and pushing the body up. 6. Remember to keep the head and trunk stabilized in a neutral position by isometrically contracting the abdominal and back muscles. Never fully lock out the elbows at the start position and avoid hyperextension of the low back. Trainer's comments: If you cannot complete all 15 reps then drop to your knees and continue on. |
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1. Start by getting on your hands and feet in a prone position. 2. Keeping your body parallel to ground drive your knees up towards your chest alternating back and forth. 3. Repeat this movement for the required number of seconds. Trainer's comments: Each knee tuck counts as one repetition, e.g. 25 each leg = 50 total reps. |
Get more fat loss workouts ==>
Sure Victory Bootcamp Pro Version -
If you are thinking of investing in The Sure Victory Bootcamp Kit,,Get it now!
Sure Victory testimonials:
Georgette,Hello! Just an update from me in California to let you know about my very successful 1st Bootcamp which is currently in week 4 and I am starting another camp next week! I love the Sure Victory Boot Camp product I got from you a few months ago. It’s like the ultimate Boot Camp Bible…I’ve got it printed in color and bound, and I whip it out frequently as a resource (I have it printed twice so it’s handy). The audios are great too. I have a huge library of must-have MP3 files like yours that continue to provide insight and inspiration when I’m out and about. I highly recommend the Sure Victory product to anyone brand new or anyone who thinks they have enough know-how already, they surely need Sure Victory!!Thanks for keeping me informed with your monthly Fitness Bootcamp Strategies Newsletter, too.
Beth Middlekauff
What about commandeering a cash-cow of a career for less than a car payment?
You can if you buy Georgette Pan's Sure Victory like I did! Everything from assessments
to organizing, from exercises to execution it's all you'll need to put together winning and
profitable Bootcamps as soon as you turn the last page. Don't miss out on the easiest
raise you've ever earned, earn it by purchasing Sure Victory before she comes to her senses
and boosts the price. (the bonuses are really sweet too! don't wait!)"
- King Hoover - Host of FIT FOR A KING on SIRIUS Satellite Radio Channel 161
Hi Georgette
"I was more than surprised when I received my copy of Sure Victory. The material was easy to apply
and implement and I was able to begin programming two different 3x weekly Bootcamps right away.
The forms totally rock and make anyone seem like a Major veteran in just a few hours work, I can't thank you
enough for all your help. Thanks for putting together a great product that will help anyone make a lot more
money AND their clients a lot more fit. I was blown away by the bonuses too, I don't remember ever getting
so much for so little." - King Hoover- Host of FIT FOR A KING on SIRIUS Satellite Radio Channel 161
Hi Georgette,
If you're planning on starting a fitness camp Sure-Victory is an absolute must."
Thank you ...have a great week!
Georgette Pann BS,CSN,CPT,LPTA
Bootcamp Equipment: The TRX Suspension training systems allow users to use body weight to perform literally hundreds of exercise progressions for every body part and plane of motion; these can be used just about anywhere.
The TRX is my favorites check it out:
The LEBERT EQUALIZER Total Body Strengthener™targets the triceps, lower abs and back muscles like no other. Participants use their own body weight as resistance and decide what level is right for them.
To check out Equalizer click banner or go to
For more ideas and help setting up and running fitness camps check out the NEW:Sure Victory Bootcamp Pro Kit
Georgette Pann BS,LPTA,CPT,CSN
Strategies for Keeping Lost Weight Off
New York Times Syndicate
Cox News Service ATLANTA -- Researchers are just beginning to recognize that losing weight and weight maintenance are two very different events. Anyone can go "on" a diet, but a diet is temporary whereas weight maintenance is permanent. After weight loss, people are waging a fight against biology (our bodies really want to gain that excess weight) and environment (we're surrounded by delicious foods and encouraged to eat large amounts of food). Drs. Holly Wyatt and James Hill have coined the term "energy gap" to describe the difference between calorie needs before and after weight loss. A 40-pound weight loss equals about a 300-350 calorie "energy gap," meaning that to maintain the smaller body, an individual has to permanently eat or increase activity to match 300-350 calories each day.
Here are the top eight strategies to maintain weight loss from research conducted on those individuals who have lost at least 30 pounds and kept it off for more than a year.
1. Eat more fruits and vegetables. Weight maintainers report eating nearly 4 servings of fruits and vegetables every day. Fruits and veggies are low in calories and high in water and fiber. That helps keep hunger at bay.
2. Eat more fiber. High fiber foods, like beans, whole grain breads and cereals, and fruits and vegetables are also hunger fighters.
3. Monitor carbohydrate and fat intake, but there is no "right" combination of these two nutrients. The macronutrient (relative amount of carbohydrate, protein and fat in the diet) is less important than previously thought. The key is to keep calories low and it doesn't seem to matter if the calories come from a bagel with light cream cheese or a slice of full-fat cheese on a half a bagel - just keep total calories low.
4. Eat breakfast every day. Breakfast causes you to eat less the rest of the day, helping to keep calories in check.
5. Monitor your weight. Keep vigilant by weighing yourself every day, keeping exercise logs, or measuring body fat at the gym.
Successful losers don't take any chances and let pounds creep up on them.
6. Halt the fast foods. People who eat fast food regain lost weight compared to those who drive away from the fast food window.
If you find yourself at the fast food counter, choose carefully and skip the fried food items like chicken, fish and potatoes.
7. Stay active. Bridge the energy gap by exercising at moderately high intensity (brisk walking, jogging, cycling, aerobic dance, etc.) 60 minutes every day. Weight maintainers burn about 2000 calories every week in physical activity.
8. Turn it off, the television, that is. More than 60 percent of people who have lost weight watch fewer than 10 hours of TV per week. The national average of TV viewing is 28 hours a week. Not only is TV watching a passive activity, people tend to mindlessly munch on high calorie foods when staring at the tube.
Chris Rosenbloom, Ph.D., R.D., is a professor of nutrition in the College of Health and Human Sciences at Georgia State University. She'll answer nutrition questions of general interest.
Friday, January 04, 2008
Tuesday, January 01, 2008
NutriFitness Newsletter (Why are You Eating That?)
1/1/2008 NutriFitness Newsletter | |
Hi Everyone! Welcome to all new subscribers! We added over 1100 new subscibers thanks to the 12days of fitness giveaway!!We are glad to have you :) In this Newsletter: NutriFitness News: Membership Site is coming out of pre-launch this month Thank you to all those who got in during our beta test...we will be upgrading and adding to members area on a regular basis and taking your requests! In fact, you can email member requests to As of now there are tons of complete workout programs for all levels inside member area!! As well as e-books,exercise and workout videos,articles,reports.member only forum, and lots more to come. Get in now!! We'll see you inside:) Your New Years Resolution Solution!- A complete time-saving solution requiring only 20 Minutes! - You'll be taught the most effective and easiest way to get into shape and stay in shape for the rest of your life using my complete simple-to-follow 20 minute system in my best selling E-book... Click Here to read more and get special price:) Fitness Bootcamps- New Bootcamp website--Did you check it out? Sign up online and get 2 free weeks plus free reports!! Go Sign up Now! Bootcamps Start Jan 7, 2008 Mon thru Fri 5:30pm-6:30 and 6:30 pm-7:30pm Read more here: Register online or call 288-2409
Coming January 16, 2008!: 1.Maximize Your Metabolism: Maximize Your Metabolism Online course- 6 week online course 2.Prograde Lean is coming! Our much anticipated Chocolate Flavored Meal Replacement Drink
Stay Fit! Happy New YOU!!! Georgette Pann NutriFitness Check out our Blog: Online Shop
Fitness Professionals: Bootcamp and workout Strategy Newsletter Go here:
Why are You Eating That? Goodbye, 2007. Hello, 2008. It's Time to Relax! Stress has been shown to contribute to fat storage. Yikes. Take a break from the daily grind to enjoy meditation and relaxation. Want to know another great way to relieve stress? You guessed it: Exercise! Light 'n Tasty Egg Salad
| Georgette Pann NutriFitness (570) 288-2409
New NutriFitness Members Only Website! Just Fitness and Exercise Members Only Website Check out Fat Combat Workout The Busy Woman's Guide to Home Fitness
Christmas G.ifts Go here: 117christmasgifts and 12 Days Xmas Special Deal
NutriFitness Sites | |
Email: Phone: (570) 288-2409 Web: | |
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Georgette Pann 311 market st kingston Pennsylvania 18704