Hi Everyone! Welcome to all new subscribers! We added over 1100 new subscibers thanks to the 12days of fitness giveaway!!We are glad to have you :) In this Newsletter: - NutriFitness News
- Feature Article: Why are You Eating That?
- Feature Recipe
NutriFitness News: Membership Site is coming out of pre-launch this month http://justfitnessandexercise.com Thank you to all those who got in during our beta test...we will be upgrading and adding to members area on a regular basis and taking your requests! In fact, you can email member requests to NutriFitness2@aol.com As of now there are tons of complete workout programs for all levels inside member area!! As well as e-books,exercise and workout videos,articles,reports.member only forum, and lots more to come. Get in now!! We'll see you inside:) Your New Years Resolution Solution!- A complete time-saving solution requiring only 20 Minutes! - You'll be taught the most effective and easiest way to get into shape and stay in shape for the rest of your life using my complete simple-to-follow 20 minute system in my best selling E-book... Click Here to read more and get special price:) Fitness Bootcamps- New Bootcamp website--Did you check it out?http://thenutrifitnessbootcamp.com Sign up online and get 2 free weeks plus free reports!! Go Sign up Now! Bootcamps Start Jan 7, 2008 Mon thru Fri 5:30pm-6:30 and 6:30 pm-7:30pm *Fre.ee Saturday Bootcamp! Every Sat. 12 noon. Read more here: http://thenutrifitnessbootcamp.com Register online or call 288-2409 Coming January 16, 2008!: 1.Maximize Your Metabolism: Maximize Your Metabolism Online course- 6 week online course 2.Prograde Lean is coming! Our much anticipated Chocolate Flavored Meal Replacement Drink Stay Fit! Happy New YOU!!! Georgette Pann NutriFitness http://thenutrifitness.com Check out our Blog: http://thenutrifitness.blogspot.com Online Shop http://nutrifitness.personaltrainerpages.com Fitness Professionals: Bootcamp and workout Strategy Newsletter Go here: http://thefitnessbootcamp.com Why are You Eating That? Goodbye, 2007. Hello, 2008.
Has the New Year gotten to you yet? You know what I'm talking about - that feeling of excitement in your gut as the New Year greets you with the promise that you can turn things around...that you can shake off past mistakes...that you can become better.
The New Year renews hope for your dreams.
And if you are like most people then your dream for the New Year has everything to do with losing weight.
It makes sense, doesn't it? What better time is there than now to transform your body into the one that you've always dreamed of?
To get you off to a great start I'd like to share with you some food for thought:
Why do you eat?
Now I know at first glance the answer to that question seems painfully obvious - but I want you to dig deeper. You're probably thinking that you eat when your body is hungry to get the energy you need to sustain life. And you're partially right. But that's not the only reason that you eat.
The truth is that you (along with almost everyone you know) eat too much. Your body simply doesn't need all of the calories that you consume, and it shows in a physique that is less than svelte. If we only ate to fuel our bodies then we'd all have washboard abs. And that's clearly not the case, right?
So what drives you to eat when you shouldn't? Hmmmm. The answer to this question could be just what you need to see results in 2008.
Here are the four basic reasons that you eat:
1. Because you're hungry. This one is obvious. You eat when your body tells you that it's hungry and in need of fuel. Just like your car lets you know when it's time to head over to the gas station for a filler up, your body is great at letting you know that energy stores are low.
Eating when you are hungry and stopping when you are full is a healthy thing. Too bad this isn't the only reason that you eat...
2. Because you're emotional. ...but the truth is that you also eat when you are emotional. Think back - can you remember a time when you turned to food after a stressful confrontation? Or how about when you've soothed the blues away by treating your sweet tooth? And it's not just negative emotions that lead to emotional eating - most of us reward happiness with unnecessary calories as well.
Emotional eating adds an untold number of calories to your diet - all calories that are unnecessary and turn into fatty deposits on your body.
3. Because you're social. Come on, don't just sit there, have a slice of pizza with us. No one likes to eat alone, and so you feel obligated to eat with others. How many times have you filled up a plate just because everyone else was eating?
When eating becomes a social activity with no thought to the calories that are being consumed, only one thing will result: weight gain.
4. Because you're habitual. At the end of each day you relax in front of the television with a snack, and I'm willing to bet that it isn't because you're hungry. You simply associate sitting down to watch television with eating something. Or maybe you always visit the vending machine on your break whether you're hungry or not - it's just become a habit.
As humans we love to form habits, and when your habits involve eating extra calories then your waistline suffers for it.
Here is my challenge to you: Take the time to examine why you are eating, and choose to only eat when you're truly hungry.
This small action has the potential to dramatically improve your physique in the coming year.
Remember that improving your diet is only half of the equation when it comes to reshaping your body. The quickest and most permanent results are achieved when good eating habits are accompanied by challenging exercise.
I'd like to see you transform your body in 2008 - so much so that I am asking you to contact me for a body transformation consultation so I can show you how to get the body that you deserve. Just reply to this email and we'll schedule your consultation.
It's Time to Relax! Stress has been shown to contribute to fat storage. Yikes. Take a break from the daily grind to enjoy meditation and relaxation. Want to know another great way to relieve stress? You guessed it: Exercise! Light 'n Tasty Egg Salad Servings: 2
Here's what you need... - 4 hard-boiled eggs with yolks removed
- 1 hard-boiled egg
- 2 tablespoons nonfat mayonnaise
- 2 stalks celery, finely diced
- 2 whole wheat English Muffins, toasted
- 1 teaspoon onion powder
- 1 pinch celery seeds
- salt and cracked black pepper to taste
- 2 small tomatoes, sliced
- Chop the egg whites and the whole egg and place in a mixing bowl. Stir in the mayonnaise, celery, onion powder, celery seeds, salt and pepper. Cover and chill. Mix well.
- Place English muffins on plate and serve with egg salad and sliced tomato.
Nutritional Analysis: One serving equals: 226 calories, 5g fat, 31g carbohydrate, and 15g protein.
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