Tuesday, February 21, 2006

Cellulite Article

In a message dated 1/26/2006 10:34:07 PM Eastern Standard Time, support@burncellulite.com writes:
Cellulite if often portrayed as an ailment, a horror, a
get-rid-of-now affliction.  One does not have to make an
effort to read an article about the horrors of cellulite,
there are enough, slap-on-the-face advertisements in
almost each women's magazine that one comes across. Let
us see what cellulite is.

Cellulite has been defined as the dimpled or uneven
deposit of fat as seen around the thighs and buttocks.
This fat accumulates near the surface of the skin and
pushes against the skin tissues. This gives it the
dimpled appearance like an orange peel. Thus, adopting
the name peau d orang in French.

Cellulite does not distinguish between sexes and what
looks great on babies is horrifying on adults. To make
matters worse and make you feel wretched, actresses
continue to flaunt their near perfect bodies in magazines
and posters.

There is a plethora of creams, lotions, and potions,
promising to help you get rid of the undesirable
accumulation of cellulite from your legs or thighs. What
people do not remember is the simple cure called
exercise. You can tone your legs and bottom and get rid
of the extra cellulite by doing simple exercises like
walking or biking. Very few people try to find out the
reason for this problem. They are more interested in the
result. Though, it is difficult to maintain a perfectly
toned body at all ages, one must try to keep it in the
best possible shape and health. It must be plainly
understood that neither is cellulite a disease nor is it
a sign of unhealthiness.

Cream, lotion or electrical appliances as a remedy will
never be as good as a regular walk everyday to build up
your confidence and a feeling of good health. The
cellulite is just like any other fat tissue. Medical
research papers have clearly brought out that cellulite
is not unhealthy in itself unless you have too much of
body fat.

There are plenty of offers like topical products,
devices, supplements or spa treatments that claim to help
you get rid of cellulite. You need to be very careful
when choosing the correct product. Generally they are not
effective and their safety record is nothing to write
home about. The most suitable way is to follow a regular
and hard exercise regime coupled with carefully choosing
to eat food that are low in fats. Everyone may have a
different problem area. You must realize that every
individual is different and many a times we inherit a
body pattern.

Some tips to combat cellulite as offered by the U.S.
National Library of Medicine are:

A healthy diet with fruits vegetables and fiber
Plenty of fluids
Regular exercise
Healthy weight with no yo-yo dietin~No smoking

Etula Depeau is the user and webdesigner of cellulite
cellulite which
is a premier resource for cellulite information.  For more
information go to :

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