Saturday, September 23, 2006

Weight Loss For Women: Top 7 Reasons To Get Fit Not Slim

:When you were born you were given a unique one of a kind gift.
You were given the genetic code to be YOU, someone unlike
anyone else in the world. Whether or not it is the particular
gift you might have wanted, it is the gift you have. You can
choose to honor that gift or not.

You may have received the genetic code to be tall or short,
large-boned or average, the tendency to be more of a pear shape
or an apple, and so much more. No matter what your gift, I
guarantee you that you are beautiful!

I encourage you to find a way to get fit and healthy for the
body shape you have. You might lose weight and then again you
might not. But in the process of getting fit you will look
better, feel better, and reduce your risk for health problems
both now and in the future.

Here are some of the many benefits you could have with a
primary goal to get fit not slim:

1. One of the most immediate benefits is that you can have fun!
Yes fun. There are many different possibilities for exercise to
propel you on your path to fitness. Walking is always a good
choice but why stop there?

How about hiking, or belly dancing, or pole dancing? Explore
the options. There are hundreds if not thousands of ways to get
active, burn calories, have fun and get in shape!

2. When you exercise, a healthy diet plan will not only ALLOW
you to eat more food than when you choose to diet without
exercise, it will REQUIRE you do so to avoid slowing down your
metabolism. More food is good right?

3. If you are 35+, your hormones may have begun to dance in
unpredictable ways. You may find it to be challenging enough
just to maintain weight much less lose weight.

4. If hormonal changes aren’t enough, your metabolism begins to
slow down by age 40 if not sooner. Exercising to burn 100
calories a day could mean the difference between no weight gain
and a gain of 10 pounds in one year.

5. Adding a little more muscle is a good! Yes, muscle weighs
three times more than an equal amount of fat. But muscle burns
more calories than fat tissue and gives you the added benefit
of toning and shaping your body. New studies have revealed that
women who lose a significant amount of weight WITHOUT exercising
have MORE cellulite than those who have not added muscle or have
not lost any weight at all!

6. With low calorie diets it is difficult to obtain all the
nutrients you need. However, given that you can eat somewhat
more when you exercise, it is easier to obtain the vitamins,
minerals, antioxidants, and fiber you need to stay healthy.
Food sources of these nutrients are far more beneficial than
most supplements.

7. Women who are slim are at much higher risk of getting
osteoporosis. Having a little extra weight gives you the
advantage of greater protection for your bones.

Seven solid reasons to get fit not slim. Go now and pick your
exercise program, have fun, get fit, feel better and look
better! Just remember to appreciate who you are each day on
your path to fitness because you are already beautiful!

Lori Pirog, M.S. is a Nutritionist who shares her knowledge of
healthy eating and weight management in her articles, blogs,
and websites.

About The Author: Lori Pirog, M.S. is a Nutritionist who shares
her knowledge of healthy eating and weight management in her
articles, blogs, and websites. To learn more about weight loss,
diets, nutrition, and exercise for women visit:

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