Thursday, October 12, 2006

FW: Complimentary, 37-page Power Fitness Principles guide

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Claim your complimentary Consumer Fitness Guide Now Oct 2006

If you're like most people, you might be confused about the huge amount of information both online and offline about fitness. There's all sorts of products and so-called gurus teaching how to build muscle, burn fat, get healthy, and more. But how do you know what's for real? And how can you find the time to discover for yourself the real truth about fitness? That's why I'm writing

I just received a 44-page consumer guide called "Power Fitness Principles" that reveals in clear and simple language the core truths about fitness. Armed with this knowledge, you should be able to quickly and easily evaluate any fitness method or product on the market to see if it "has teeth". fatburningfurnace

It was recently written by 10+ year fitness expert and enthusiast, Rob Poulos. Over the past decade, Rob bought every fitness method and system he could get his hands on and became somewhat of a "mad scientist" when he decided to begin testing these methods ruthlessly on himself and others who volunteered to help, in effect becoming "guinea pigs". Little by little, he took note of what really worked and what didn't. More importantly, Rob was also after what was realistic in a normal person's schedule. Nutrition and fitness methods that required extraordinary effort or long hours in the gym just didn't cut it for Rob. He wanted to be in great shape, but he wanted to have a life, too. And when the dust settled, Rob discovered a core group of fitness fundamentals that he was shocked more people didn't know about. In fact, he believes that if every one knew about these "Power Fitness Principles", there would be a lot more people enjoying healthier lives without bouncing from one fad diet to the next.

So here they are... Rob gave me permission to give a copy of his brand new "Power Fitness Principles" consumer guide to you as my reader. It's completely "on the house" and my gift to you.
Here's your complimentary download page:
Click Here:fatburningfurnace
So whatever your age is, whether you're male or female, and whether you're trying to shave off some extra pounds, build more muscle, or just get into better overall health, Rob's "Power Fitness Principles" is for you.
Honestly, after reading this, I was shocked that Rob's giving this information away for nothing. Then he told me that he's planning on probably selling this guide in the future; but for now, he wants as many people as possible to discover these fundamental "truths" about fitness, so that's why he's giving them away for a short time.
I hope you enjoy Rob's "Power Fitness Principles" consumer guide as much as I have.
To your health and fitness, Georgette Author of Sure Victory

p.s. You may have seen an early version of this report this past summer. If so, you need to get this updated, longer version, as it addresses some critical "Missing Questions" unintentionally left out of the first draft. Here's the page again: fatburningfurnace

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