Thursday, March 27, 2008

Fitness Bootcamp Strategies,Resources


Hi Everyone!

Welcome to all new subscribers! Please check the Archives often if you are new or just looking for some erxtra goodies. Go here:  Archives There is a lot of valuable information in the archived newsletters from marketing and equipment to freee.e resources and workouts. 


 Our private Google Group for BootCamp Trainers This group by itself is an awesome tool and

has really grown lately.You must request an invitation to get get in. This is the link: 

I will be introducing a group project this week and more updates on

 our own private member community

   I love the feedback ..keep it coming!

What would really help your fitness business? What would you like to see included in this comminty? Would you be willing to be a contributor?  Any questions just email



In this newsletter :


Fitness  Resources  

 Business Resources

Workout -The 11 min workout

Bootcamp Workouts-Tabata style


Bootcamp Equipment


Hot Fitness Business Resources

 1.This Sat/Sun only: Building a REAL Fitness Business FAST

If you are ready to take your fitness business to the next level, just sign-up this coming
weekend at this never-to-be-repeated offer


 2. A hot new product for Fitness Professionals:

 How to Close Clients   I just picked this up last week myself!

 3.Forms for Fitness Pros The Fitness Pro's Deluxe Forms Kit 

Business  and Marketing Resources

 1.Free marketing and business ebook bonuses:

2.Eric Lofholm International, Inc. - Free Sales Scripting Tools

3.The Edge: 9 Building Blocks to Double Your Sales.

4.Unique Marketing Tips

 5.Maximum Profits in Minimum Time

Get OutDoor Fitness Games -over 25 games for you to use in this
new Fitness Games manual.
Get it here: Fitness Games

Workouts- Tabata Style

Perform each exercise for 20 seconds then rest for 10 seconds. When you’ve completed each exercise (1 – 8) rest for two to three minutes then perform a second round. Rest again for two to three minutes and if you feel sound enough, perform a third round.

Workout One

1.      Pushups or Modified Pushups (knees on the ground instead of toes)

2.      Bicycles (lie on your back and pedal your legs like you’re riding a bike)

3.      Crunches

4.      Superman (lie face down and arch up, keeping the feet on the ground)

5.      Mountain Climbers (2nd description down the page)

6.      Squats

7.      Bent-over Dumbbell Rows (a dumbbell in each hand, pull them to your side)

8.      Sprints in Place (simulate sprinting...without going anywhere)

Workout Two

1.      Dumbbell Upright Row

2.      Siff Squats (Squats performed while you’re on the balls of your feet)

3.      Ankle Touches

4.      Plank

5.      Lunge (standing in place, step forward and then back, alternating left to right legs)

6.      Dumbbell or Kettlebell Swing

7.      Seated Cable Rows or Horizontal Pull-ups

8.      Jumping Jacks

.Workout Three

1.      Pushup or Modified Pushup

2.      Lunge in Place

3.      Bicycles

4.      Mountain Climbers

5.      Dumbbell Thrusters (go to the second set of exercises described on the page)

6.      Sprints in Place

7.      Wide Grip Pull downs or Chin-ups

8.      Pushup or Modified Pushup

Workout Four

1.      Step ups on Bench (bodyweight only, no dumbbells, alternate left to right)

2.      Foot Elevated Bridge (alternate between left and right as fast as you can)

3.      Ankle Touches

4.      Single Leg Deadlift, Left Leg

5.      Single Leg Deadlift, Right Leg

6.      Plank

7.      1 Arm Dumbbell Row, Right Arm

8.      1 Arm Dumbbell Row, Left Arm



Killer 11 Minute Workout
by Mike Geary
The entire sequence was done in 11 minutes . You can do more or less based on your current fitness level:
a. 1-arm dumbbell swings (alternate arms every 5 reps) - 3 minutes straight as many reps as possible.
Rest 1 minute
b. 1-arm dumbbbell snatches (alt arms every 5 reps) - 3 minutes straight as many reps as possible. rest 1 minute
c. Dumbbell renegade rows (alt arms after each rep) - 10 reps each arm. Rest 30 seconds
d. Floor mountain climbers - 30 seconds max reps.
Rest 30 seconds
e. Floor mountain jumpers - 30 seconds max reps.
Total workout time = 11 minutes of metabolism boosting insanity!
It may sound like an easy and short workout, but those first 6 minutes of non-stop swings and snatches will leave even the leanest and meanest trainee gasping for breath.
If you're not sure what any of these exercises are or how to do them, they are all outlined in detail along with over 50 other of the most effective full body exercises in my Truth about Six Pack Abs program...

 Get more fat loss workouts ==>  



   Starting BootCamps can be time consuming and costly.

The founders of NutriFitness have developed a BootCamp Kit

that will save trainers time and money. "Sure Victory" gives

you all the tools needed to start and run successful BootCamps!


Sure Victory testimonials:

Georgette,Hello!  Just an update from me in California to let you know about my very successful 1st Bootcamp which is currently in week 4 and I am starting another camp next week!  I love the Sure Victory Boot Camp product I got from you a few months ago.  It’s like the ultimate Boot Camp Bible…I’ve got it printed in color and bound, and I whip it out frequently as a resource (I have it printed twice so it’s handy).  The audios are great too.  I have a huge library of must-have MP3 files like yours that continue to provide insight and inspiration when I’m out and about.  I highly recommend the Sure Victory product to anyone brand new or anyone who thinks they have enough know-how already, they surely need Sure Victory!!

Thanks for keeping me informed with your monthly Fitness Bootcamp Strategies Newsletter, too.

Beth Middlekauff

Can you buy a booming business opportunity for less than a 100. bucks?
What about commandeering a cash-cow of a career for less than a car payment?
You can if you buy Georgette Pan's Sure Victory like I did! Everything from assessments
to organizing, from exercises to execution it's all you'll need to put together winning and
profitable Bootcamps as soon as you turn the last page. Don't miss out on the easiest
raise you've ever earned, earn it by purchasing Sure Victory before she comes to her senses
and boosts the price. (the bonuses are really sweet too! don't wait!)"
- King Hoover - Host of FIT FOR A KING on SIRIUS Satellite Radio Channel 161
 Hi Georgette
"I was more than surprised when I received my copy of Sure Victory. The material was easy to apply
and implement and I was able to begin programming two different 3x weekly Bootcamps right away.
The forms totally rock and make anyone seem like a Major veteran in just a few hours work, I can't thank you
enough for all your help. Thanks for putting together a great product that will help anyone make a lot more
money AND their clients a lot more fit. I was blown away by the bonuses too, I don't remember ever getting
so much for so little." - King Hoover- Host of FIT FOR A KING on SIRIUS Satellite Radio Channel 161   

Hi Georgette,

Thanks so very much for all the help. I finally started and everyone is thoroughly enjoying it! Thanks to you for giving me all the help!! Was a wee bit apprehensive in getting going but now  it's 'A' for AWAY!!
The e books are invaluable! Thanks so much especially the nutrition stuff as it's not my strong point.
Sharon Linde
HI Georgette,
"Wow, great content, 68 action packed pages! Sure-Victory saved me countless hours of research, and gave me dozens of ideas to be able to launch my own Fitness BootCamp with 20 paying recruits within 3 weeks! 

If you're planning on starting a fitness camp Sure-Victory is an absolute must."
-- Sammie Kennedy, Certified Personal Trainer & Kick-Ass Drill Instructor,

Thank you ...have a great week!

Georgette Pann BS,CSN,CPT,LPTA  


Sure Victory Fitness Bootcamp Kit

Bootcamp Equipment: The TRX Suspension training systems allow users to use body weight to perform literally hundreds of exercise progressions for every body part and plane of motion; these can be used just about anywhere.

The TRX is  my favorites check it out:  

 The LEBERT EQUALIZER Total Body Strengthener™targets the triceps, lower abs and back muscles like no other. Participants use their own body weight as resistance and decide what level is right for them. 

The Lebert Equalizer Total Body Strengthener   To check out Equalizer click banner or go to


Georgette Pann BS,LPTA,CPT,CSN

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