Saturday, March 21, 2009

Why is Burn the Fat, Feed the Muscle the Last Resource You'll Ever Need to Learn the Truth About Fat Loss and Help You Avoid Over-Hyped Diet and Fitne

Burn the Fat, Feed the Muscle is a downloadable e-book (340 pages) that will teach you how to burn fat, get leaner, and stay that way for life. It is one of the most thorough educational resources for this purpose. Burn The Fat will teach you exactly how to live a healthier lifestyle, and achieve body composition goals like fat loss or muscle building. Sounds great, right? There is a catch because YOU are responsible for your progress. The nature of buying an information product is that you are paying for the information that you must then apply in order to benefit from it. Just like hiring a personal trainer doesn’t mean you are guaranteed to automatically lose 20 pounds of fat because YOU must do the work yourself, the same is true of buying an e-book. Burn The Fat is arguably the best all-in-one resource for teaching you how to get lean without drugs, supplements, or crazy diet programs, but it takes simple, hard work.

There are thousands of positive testimonials from people whom have used Burn The Fat successfully shedding anywhere from 20-200 lbs of fat (you can read them in the “Testimonials” section on On the other hand, Burn The Fat has been a best-selling ebook since 2003 and a lot of people have not successfully implemented the program as well. While the book is catered towards helping practically anyone achieve their specific weight loss goals, Burn The Fat is not for everyone. Put bluntly, it takes a lot of hard work, a principle difference from most diet programs that promise quick results and instant benefits.

The author, Tom Venuto, is renowned for saying that “fat loss is simple, but not easy.”

If you are committed to taking action daily, Tom will show you exactly how to lose bodyfat naturally and keep it off permanently. He will reveal the science behind successful fat loss, and the practical steps you need to take to make it happen. His step-by-step system works for everyone, but it’s not an easy adjustment to those that are unwilling to make lifestyle changes.

The book covers almost everything you’ll ever need to know about nutrition – how to plan and prepare an effective meal plan, what kinds of foods are best for fat burning, and when is the optimal time to eat certain foods and meals. It also has a great section about exercise, the other main ingredient to successful fat loss. You’ll learn about both strength training and cardio, and even be able to use the sample programs included.

The greatest things about Burn The Fat is that it is entirely individualized to make it a perfect fit for anyone who reads it. Tom is very clear when he explains subjects such as body types, metabolic individuality, unique carbohydrate needs, and how to setup a personal meal plan. This is not a one-size-fits-all diet program that has strict rules and demonizes specific diet protocols or entire food groups. Burn The Fat takes a very broad and holistic approach in its ability to help you regardless of your circumstances and dietary preferences.

A common misconception is that Burn The Fat is only for bodybuilders or men. The truth is that men and women of all ages have successfully “burned the fat” and kept it off, whether it was 10 lbs or 100 lbs. Tom explains that fat loss progress is based on principles that apply to both men and women equally, and he is sure to distinguish when there are minor differences in how you apply those principles depending on your gender. Burn The Fat has even been used by professional bodybuilders, fitness and figure models to prepare for on-stage competitions because it is based on scientific evidence which is applied in a practical system that will work for anyone.

It’s very common to hear that Burn The Fat is not a diet, it’s a lifestyle program. It takes a lot of work, perseverance, trial-and-error testing, and even sacrifice, but it can work for anyone regardless of their situation. The price is miniscule for an instant download of the ebook, and also some bonus special reports. It can be the best investment you ever make, or just another purchase to add to the tally for failed weight loss help. You’ll be happy to hear that Tom will offer you a 100% money back guarantee to anyone whom is dissatisfied with the product, but he is confident that you won’t be writing him for a refund, you’ll be writing to thank him and tell him about your success story as so many others already have.

In an industry that is packed with fad diets, quick fix solutions, and over-hyped products, Burn the Fat, Feed the Muscle provides a clear and effective solution for those seeking improved health, fitness, and muscle to fat ratios. I think this is arguably the best fat loss program available in any format. I highly recommend this book for anyone that is willing to put in the work and achieve natural and permanent results to be proud of.

Georgette Pann

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