Wednesday, April 15, 2009

NutriFitness Newsletter The Top 5 Side Effects of Exercise

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In this Newsletter:

  • NutriFitness News
  • Feature Article
  • Feature Recipe

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Georgette Pann  Follow me on twitter here:
Tammy Greear




The Top 5 Side Effects of Exercise
Your doctor feels like a broken record.

That's right - he's sick and tired of telling you how important exercise is to your health because YOU DON'T LISTEN.

He's sick of explaining how so many of your health problems will improve or even disappear as the result of a consistent exercise program.

He's tired of tallying your controllable risk factors which include physical inactivity and obesity.

So why does he continue to give you the same lecture?

Because he's seen exercise change lives.

He's even seen exercise save lives.

A Doctor's Perspective

Dr. David Shilling MD has been a family doctor for over 30 years. In that time he's given a fair number of patients the exercise lecture...with good cause.
He's seen firsthand the healing power of exercise.

Exactly what kind of healing? Dr. Shilling shared the top 5 benefits that he's seen patients experience as a result of exercise...

1. Feel Great: The first thing that patients tell Dr. Shilling after starting an exercise program is how much better they feel. "People don't realize how bad they feel. They get used to feeling bad. Then when they start exercising they feel so much better."

Your energy levels boost and you feel great.

2. Pain Be Gone: Next patients notice a reduction in aches and pains. Chronic muscle and joint pain that they've lived with for years begins to fade. For some, joint replacement surgery is postponed. For others, arthritis pain is reduced.

Your muscles and joints feel better than ever.

3. Goodbye Coronary Heart Disease: While patients can't feel this healing benefit of exercise, it is the one that saves lives. Exercise removes two of the major risk factors that lead to heart disease: 1) physical inactivity and 2) obesity. Exercise also increases your good cholesterol (HDL) and lowers your blood pressure.

Your risk of heart attack or stroke is reduced.

4. Goodbye Type 2 Diabetes: Patients with type 2 diabetes gain substantial benefits from exercise. Exercise improves the body's use of insulin, and the related weight loss improves insulin sensitivity. Of course patients with type 2 diabetes need to get guidelines from their doctor before starting an exercise program.

Your blood sugar levels are better controlled.

5. Goodbye Sleep Apnea: Patients with sleep apnea are often caught in a destructive cycle. Their weight promotes occurrences of apnea then inadequate sleep promotes weight gain. Dr. Shilling has seen exercise break this cycle.

Your sleep becomes restful and weight loss becomes easier.

With all of these benefits it's hard to see why anyone would avoid exercise. What's your excuse?
  • I know you're tired...exercise gives you energy.
  • I know you're in pain...exercise alleviates your muscle and joint pain.
  • I know you'd rather stay in bed...exercise makes your sleep more restful.
  • I know you're pressed for time...exercise improves your efficiency and extends your life.
  • I know you don't know where to start...that's where I come in.
Reply to this email or call me at the number above and we'll schedule a consultation where I can show you the fastest and safest way to reap all of the benefits of exercise.

Then the next time you see your doctor he won't give you a lecture.

He'll congratulate you.
Know Your Number

Do you know your BMI? Your Body Mass Index is a number that helps determine if you are at risk for weight-related diseases. While it is not a perfect measure, it is a helpful tool. BMI values from 18.5 to 24.9 are considered healthy. BMI values from 25-29.9 are considered overweight, and BMI values of 30 or greater are considered obese.

Calculate your BMI: 1) Multiply your weight in pounds by 703. 2) Divide by your height in inches. 3) Divide by your height in inches again.

Smoked Salmon Salad

It's simple, quick and makes the perfect lunch-to-go. Salmon in packed with protein and those omega-3 fatty acids that your body needs. Notice that this recipe doesn't call for a creamy dressing, but rather a sprinkle of balsamic vinegar. Try this on all your salads and save yourself from tons of extra calories and fat.
Yield: 1 serving

Here's what you need...

  • 1 1/2 cups romaine lettuce, chopped
  • 1/2 cup smoked salmon
  • 1/2 of a hard boiled egg
  • 3 cherry tomatoes
  • 1 tablespoon green onion, chopped
  • 1 kalamata olive, chopped
  • 1 teaspoon dried parsley
  • Sprinkle of balsamic vinegar
  1. Arrange the lettuce, salmon, egg, tomatoes, onion, and olive on a plate.
  2. Sprinkle with parsley and balsamic vinegar.
Nutritional Analysis: One serving equals: 170 calories, 6g fat, 5g carbohydrate, 2 g fiber, and 18g protein.

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