Monday, June 25, 2007

Fitness Bootcamp Strategies,Resources

Hi Everyone!

Welcome new subscribers! Please check the Archives where I have the lastest Newsletters listed for you


 There is a lot of valuable information in the archived newsletters from marketing and equipment to freee.e resources and workouts. New Subscribers...Please check it out and help your business grow.


  I know I promised a newsletter a two weeks ago and I apologize..My business partner and co-owner of NutriFitness Studio had a family emergency. I would like to offer my condolences to Tammy Greear, co-author of Sure Victory, on the loss of her father,William Greear. Mr Greear was a retired 30yr Marine who at 72 had taken one of my Bootcamp classes a few short months ago.He will be missed by all who knew him.




   In this newsletter,as always I will continue to give you as many resources as I can to help you out and make this newsletter worth the read.

So check out below.......


In this newsletter :


  • Circuit Training,Press Release-More Fitness Resources
  • 3 Best Bodyweight Exercises-Craig B 
  • Quatro Fitness-4 minute Bodyweight Workout
  •  Sure Victory Fitness Bootcamp Kit=bootcamp Equipment

Fitness Resources to help your Business

1.As you know I love Circuits/Stations for my Bootcamps. I found some sample Circuits for you..check out

Here are all the pdf's
  • Body - (Download)
  • Boxing - (Download)
  • Gymball - (Download)
  • Medicine Ball - (Download)
  • PowerBag - (Download)
  • Resistance - (Download)
  • Stetch - (Download)
  • Same site that had the resource: Virtual Human Exercise Movies

    2. Write a Press Release for your Bootcamp,Studio ,or Book/Dvd.
    Check out my past press release at

    3.Fit Commerce

    Personal Trainers Fight Obesity with Lessons from NutriFitness Boot Camp Book
    NutriFitness joins the war on obesity with a new book which arms personal trainers and consumers with weapons to quickly burn fat and build muscle with proven effectiveness. The popularity and low overhead of boot camp fitness programs make them extremely profitable for fitness professionals…

    4 A fully functional Workout Routine Wizard available at
    check newsletter archives (above)for more

     The 3 best Bodyweight Exercises

    Craig Ballantyne

    As we know,bodyweight exercises help you burn fat shockingly fast, without any
    fancy equipment.

    1) Any Single-Leg Exercise
    The pistol (single-leg squat to the floor) is the most advanced
    1-leg exercise. But you can also do assisted single-leg squats with
    a band, or onto a bench, or even with a Stability Ball between your
    back and the wall.

    If you aren't ready for single-leg squats, you can use Bulgarian
    Split Squats, Reverse Lunges, regular split squats, or lying 1-leg
    hip bridges if you are a beginner.

    2) Decline Push-ups
    These are harder than normal pushups, thanks to your elevated feet.
    And in this position, you can still use a close-grip to fatigue
    your triceps, a "piked-hip position" to build your shoulders, or
    even the Spiderman leg motion to work on your abs.

    3) Bodyweight Inverted Rows
    I choose these over chinups and pullups because bodyweight rows let
    your chest rest, while your back is strengthened. It's the perfect
    compliment to a pushup.
    (You can use the TRX or Equalizer for this exercise..see bottom of newsletter for more)
    Do 8-12 repetitions per exercise. Don't rest between exercises. Go
    through the circuit up to 3 times, resting 1 minute after each
    Get more fat loss workouts ==>

    Quatro Fitness: 4 Minute Bodyweight Workout

    This workout takes exactly 4 minutes. Just do each exercise for 20 seconds with as many repetitions as you can. Then rest for 10 seconds in between each exercise.

    When you do all 8 exercises for 20 seconds on and 10 seconds rest, it comes to exactly 4 minute.

    It's a great fat-blasting workout, from the Quatro Fitness vault.

    8 Count Body Builders
    Start in a standing position and bend your knees and place your hands on the ground.
    Extend your legs back into a push up position.
    Bring your knees back in towards chest and stand back up.
    This should be a continuous motion and be fluid.
    Air Bike Crunches
    1. Start by lying on your back with your hands behind your back and thighs bent 90 degrees at your hip.
    2. Simultaneously curl your right shoulder and left knee up towards the center of your body until your elbow and knee touch. Return to the starting position and repeat with the other side.
    3. Continuously repeat this pattern for the prescribed repetitions.
    Mountain Climbers
    1. Start by getting on your hands and feet in a prone position.
    2. Keeping your body parallel to ground drive your knees up towards your chest alternating back and forth.
    3. Repeat this movement for the required number of seconds.
    8 Count Body Builders
    Start in a standing position and bend your knees and place your hands on the ground.
    Extend your legs back into a push up position.
    Bring your knees back in towards chest and stand back up.
    This should be a continuous motion and be fluid.

    Double Crunch
    1. Lie back onto floor or bench with knees bent and hands behind head. Keep elbows back and out of sight. Head should be in a neutral position with a space between chin and chest.
    2. Start position: Hands behind head and knees bent at 90 degrees.
    3. Leading with the chin and chest towards the ceiling, contract the abdominals and raise shoulders off floor or bench. During the crunch, also bring knees towards chest.
    4. Return to start position.
    5. Remember to keep head and back in a neutral position. Hyperextension or flexion of either may cause injury.
    Jumping Jacks
    Start with your legs side by side and your arms by your side.
    In one motion jump and spread your legs out to the side while your arms raise out and up over your head.
    Land in this position and then return to the starting position and repeat.

    High Knee Drill
    1. Stand in place with feet hip width apart.
    2. Drive knee up towards chest and quickly place the foot back on the ground.
    3. Drive other knee up in a moderate to fast jog with minimal ground contact time.

    High Knee Drill
    1. Stand at foot of agility ladder or just stand in place.
    2. Drive knee up towards chest and place that foot in first square or back on the ground.
    Drive other knee up and land in next square and so on down the ladder in a moderate to fast jog with minimal ground contact time.


    You can also use this circuit to replace traditional intervals at the end of other bootcamp workouts.

    Don't forget, this is just one workout out of tens of thousands. If you enjoyed this workout, I guarantee there are many more you will also benefit from at workoutpass.

    And when you signup for anysite, you automatically have access to EVERY site in the workoutpass network, including all of Craig Ballantyne's workouts,Quatro Fitness..... And Both workouts are part of Sure Victory Bonus Kit!

    Sure Victory Bootcamp Pro Version

    Here are just a few of the new Sure Victory testimonials:

    Hi Georgette,

    Thanks so very much for all the help. I finally started and everyone is thoroughly enjoying it! Thanks to you for giving me all the help!! Was a wee bit apprehensive in getting going but now  it's 'A' for AWAY!!
    The e books are invaluable! Thanks so much especially the nutrition stuff as it's not my strong point.
    Sharon Linde
    HI Georgette,
    "Wow, great content, 68 action packed pages! Sure-Victory saved me countless hours of research, and gave me dozens of ideas to be able to launch my own Fitness BootCamp with 20 paying recruits within 3 weeks! 

    If you're planning on starting a fitness camp Sure-Victory is an absolute must."
    -- Sammie Kennedy, Certified Personal Trainer & Kick-Ass Drill Instructor,


    Just fyi,if you are thinking of investing in The Sure Victory Bootcamp Kit,,Get it now! The 1 Day Sale at  Sale price will be seen at checkout. this is for subscribers only!

    Sure Victory Pro Bootcamp Kit includes the Sure Victory Bootcamp book, 2 DVD's and print manual,Plus 7 Bonuses.Check it out. Email me at for surprise bonus after purchase.

    (Not only will you get all the bonuses ++ but I will be adding shipping charges in the near future for the DVD's and Print manual...right now shipping is on me although I am trying to get the dvd's as a downloadable product to eliminate price increase.

    Thank you ...have a great week!

    Georgette Pann BS,CSN,CPT,LPTA  


    Sure Victory Fitness Bootcamp Kit

     Bootcamp Equipment: The TRX Suspension training systems allow users to use body weight to perform literally hundreds of exercise progressions for every body part and plane of motion; these can be used just about anywhere.

    The TRX is  my favorites check it out:  

     The LEBERT EQUALIZER Total Body Strengthener™targets the triceps, lower abs and back muscles like no other. Participants use their own body weight as resistance and decide what level is right for them. 

    The Lebert Equalizer Total Body Strengthener   To check out Equalizer click banner or go to


    For more ideas and help setting up and running fitness camps check out the NEW:Sure Victory Bootcamp Pro Kit


    Georgette Pann BS,LPTA,CPT,CSN

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