Sunday, January 15, 2006

Easy Weight Loss - Make A Start Right Now!

Christmas has come and gone, and what is
there to look forward to! Summer holidays I suppose, but they
do seem such a long time away. 

Anyway, I must confess that at the moment, even the thought of
a holiday horrifies me, because after my over-indulgence during
the festive season, the last thing that I want to be doing is
even more eating and drinking. 

So, if there is nothing to look forward to for now, and we are
in the midst of the January depression, what on earth CAN we do
to lift ouselves out of the blues at this time of year! 

Here's one thought for you, start right now and get fit. I
suggest that not only will that make you feel heaps better,
after a few weeks, you will even start to look forward to that
summer vacation. Let me give you another more serious and
compelling reason for this, and that is that we all shoud start
to take our long term health much more seriously than we do at

At least that is my humble opinion. 
Did you know for instance that current statistics reveal that
75% of Americans are overweight and 40% are obese. That is just
in the US, and I am prepared to hazard an educated guess that
the rest of the developed world is not far behind.

For those who desire to lose weight and obtain optimal health
therefore, it can be overwhelming trying to figure out where to

From the Atkins Diet to the South Beach Diet, from low fat to
low carb diets, there are numerous weight-loss plans to choose
from. In addition, given conflicting information as to what
works best, it can be difficult deciding what to do. 

For those who have tried many diet plans with no success, it
becomes more difficult and frustrating. Many people forget that
a diet might work wonders for their friend but won't work well
for them. This is not necessarily because the diet is "bad",
but because each body reacts differently. 
However, there is a way to lose weight that is easy, fast, and
doesn't involve deprivation or calorie counting. 

It is important to address some background information about
body genetics and why weight loss can be difficult before I
start to discuss weight loss tips. 

At the start of any diet, it is important to note that each
person has a different body build. Some people are short and
stout, while others are tall and thin. Some have big hips and
shoulders, and others are short and very muscular. Genetics can
determine body shape and a person's natural build just as it can
do eye color, hair color, skin color, and so on. 

The good news is that genetics do not determine whether or not
one will be fat, but will determine one's body shape. 

This means that not every woman can expect to be tall and thin
like a Hollywood actress or supermodel such as Tyra Banks. Not
every man can expect to be defined and muscular like The Rock.
The goal really, in my opionion, is to be at a comfortable
weight for one's body shape and to feel good about it. 

Having said all that, why is it that people are overweight! I
have listed ten of the most common reasons below:- 

1. Slow metabolism - People who are overweight have a hard time
"burning off" their intake of food. As a result the fat is
stored up in the body, rather than used. 

2. Emotional eating - Those who struggle with weight often eat
when stressed, or when other emotional upheavals are happening
in their life. 

3. Hormonal imbalances - This does mainly apply to the ladies,
(complex creatures that we are!). 

4. Eating portions - We can all be guilty of the syndrome that
I like to call "greed not need". So watch out for those portion

5. A build up of toxins in the body - This can be due to too
much junk food, candies, sodas, too much coffee, these can all
contriubute to this.

6. Eating too late - Late-night eating can cause food to
convert to fat a lot more easily, as well as making sleep more

7. A high susceptibility to growth hormones - These are the
hormones which are given to animals to help them grow faster
and larger. Some meat and dairy can have some residual growth
hormones. These hormones can sometimes result in increased fat

8. Not eating breakfast - This really does make your metabolism
slow and sluggish. 

9. Numerous diets - Going from diet to diet has a negative
impact on the metabolism and causes weight loss to be much more

10. Food ingredients - The reasons why are amazing and beyond
the scope of this article. 

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